ISO IEC IEEE 26515 pdf download

ISO IEC IEEE 26515 pdf download

ISO IEC IEEE 26515 pdf download.Systems and software engineering — Developing user documentation in an agile environment
1 Scope
This clause presents the scope, purpose, organization, and candidate uses of this International Standard. This International Standard supports the interest of technical writers and associated roles responsible for producing user documentation for software and systems developed within an agile environment. This International Standard takes a process standard approach to specify the way in which user documentation can be developed in agile development projects. This International Standard provides requirements on information management and documentation processes appropriate for software projects that are using agile development methods. Clause 5 covers the overall requirements for documentation in the software life cycle. Clause 6 describes how the information development lead or project manager may plan and manage the user documentation development team in an agile environment. Clause 7 covers the relationship between the user documentation process and life cycle documentation process in agile development. This International Standard is intended neither to encourage nor to discourage the use of any particular agile development tools or methods. This International Standard provides guidance on processes appropriate for developers of user documentation in software and systems projects that are using agile development methodologies. It will not be limited to the development phase of the life cycle of user documentation, but includes activities throughout the user documentation life cycle. This International Standard is intended for use in all organizations that are using agile development, or are considering implementing their projects using these techniques. It is assumed that users of this International Standard have experience or general knowledge of traditional user documentation processes.
2 Conformance
This International Standard may be used as a conformance or a guidance document for projects and organizations claiming conformance to ISO/IEC 15288:2008 (IEEE Std 15288-2008), Systems and software engineering — System life cycle processes and/or ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (IEEE Std 12207-2008), Systems and software engineering — Software life cycle processes. 2.1 Application of conformance Throughout this International Standard, “shall” is used to express a provision that is binding, “should” to express a recommendation among other possibilities, and “may” to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of this International Standard.Use of the nomenclature of this International Standard for the features of agile methodology or the parts of user documentation (that is, scrum, sprint, chapters, topics, pages, screens, windows, etc.) is not required to claim conformance. Conformance to this International Standard may only be claimed by an organization if all of the requirements in this International Standard can be met by the organization. When conformance is claimed for a multi- supplier program, it may be the case that no individual supplier may claim conformance because no single contract calls for all the required activities. Nevertheless, the program, as a whole, may claim conformance if each of the required activities are performed by an identified party. This International Standard may be included or referenced in contracts or similar agreements when the parties (called the acquirer and the supplier) agree that the supplier shall deliver user documentation services in accordance with this International Standard. It may also be adopted as an in-house standard by a project or organization that decides to develop documentation in accordance with this International Standard. Organizations, projects, or multi-supplier programs intending to claim tailored conformance should consult ISO/IEC 12207/IEEE Std 12207:2008, Annex A, Tailoring Process.
4 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 and the following apply. 4.1 agile development software development approach based on iterative development, frequent inspection and adaptation, and incremental deliveries, in which requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration in cross-functional teams and through continuous stakeholder feedback 4.2 agile environment organization or team implementing agile development methods and approaches 4.3 audience category of users sharing the same or similar characteristics and needs (for example, purpose in using the documentation, tasks, education level, abilities, training, and experience) that determine the content, structure, and use of the intended documentation NOTE There may be a number of different audiences for a software product’s documentation (for example, management, data entry, maintenance).