ISO IEC IEEE 26512 pdf download

ISO IEC IEEE 26512 pdf download

ISO IEC IEEE 26512 pdf download.Systems and software engineering — Requirements for acquirers and suppliers of user documentation
1 Scope
This International Standard supports the interest of software users in having consistent, complete, accurate, and usable documentation. It addresses both available approaches to standardization: a) process standards, which specify the way that documentation products are to be acquired and supplied; and b) documentation product standards, which specify the characteristics and functional requirements of the documentation. As defined in ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (IEEE Std 12207-2008) and ISO/IEC 15288:2008 (IEEE Std 15288-2008), the acquisition and supply activities comprise the agreement processes of the software life cycle. Acquisition and supply of user documentation and user documentation services are specializations of those processes. User documentation services can be acquired and supplied for any part of the software documentation management or information management process, such as: • documentation or information management; • information design and development; • documentation editing and review coordination; • documentation testing, particularly usability testing; • documentation production and packaging; • documentation distribution and delivery; • advice on the selection and implementation of documentation tools and supporting systems; • documentation process improvement. This International Standard provides an overview of the software user documentation and information management processes which may require acquisition and supply of software user documentation products and services. It applies the Agreement processes (acquisition and supply) to software user documentation, and addresses the preparation of requirements for software user documentation. These requirements are central to the user documentation specification and Statement of Work discussed in this International Standard. This International Standard also addresses requirements for primary document outputs of the acquisition and supply process.
2 Conformance
This International Standard may be used as a conformance or a guidance document for projects and organizations claiming conformance to ISO/IEC 15288:2008 (IEEE Std 15288-2008) or ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (IEEE Std 12207-2008). 2.1 Definition of conformance This International Standard is meant to be tailored so that only necessary and cost-effective requirements are applied. Tailoring may take the form of specifying approaches to conform to the requirements of this International Standard, or altering its recommendations to reflect the particular software and documentation product or service more explicitly. The acquirer may involve other parties, including potential suppliers or any necessary third parties (such as regulators), before contract award, in determining the acquirer’s requirements for tailoring of this International Standard for the project. Annex A (normative) of ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (IEEE Std 12207-2008) describes the Tailoring Process. Tailoring decisions made by the acquirer should be specified in the contract. NOTE The acquirer determines whether the term “contract” or “agreement” is to be used in the application of this International Standard.Throughout this International Standard, “shall” is used to express a provision that is binding, “should” to express a recommendation among other possibilities, and “may” to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of this International Standard. Use of the nomenclature of this International Standard for the parts of user documentation (that is, chapters, topics, pages, screens, windows) is not required to claim conformance. 2.2 Conformance situations Conformance may be interpreted differently for various situations. The relevant situation shall be identified in the claim of conformance: a) When conformance is claimed for an organization, the organization shall make public a document declaring its tailoring of the acquisition or supply process. b) When conformance is claimed for a project using user documentation services, the project plans or the contract shall document the tailoring of the documentation management process. NOTE 1 One possible way for an organization to deal with clauses that cite “the documentation plan” is to specify that they shall be interpreted in the project plans for any particular documentation project. NOTE 2 A project’s claim of conformance is typically specified with respect to the organization’s claim of conformance. This International Standard may be included or referenced in contracts or similar agreements when the parties (called the acquirer and the supplier) agree that the supplier will deliver documentation in accordance with this International Standard. It may also be adopted as an in-house standard by a project or organization that decides to acquire documentation from another part of the organization in accordance with this International Standard.