IEC 61853-1 pdf download

IEC 61853-1 pdf download

IEC 61853-1 pdf download.Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy rating – Part 1: Irradiance and temperature performance measurements and power rating
1 Scope and object
This part of IEC 61 853 describes requirements for evaluating PV module performance in terms of power (watts) rating over a range of irradiances and temperatures. IEC 61 853-2 describes test procedures for measuring the performance effect of angle of incidence; the estimation of module temperature from irradiance, ambient temperature and wind speed; and impact of spectral response on energy production. IEC 61 853-3 describes the calculations of PV module energy (watt-hours) ratings. IEC 61 853-4 describes the standard time periods and weather conditions that can be utilized for calculating standardized energy ratings. The object of this part of IEC 61 853 is to define a testing and rating system, which provides the PV module power (watts) at maximum power operation for a set of defined conditions. A second purpose is to provide a full set of characterization parameters for the module under various values of irradiance and temperature. This set of measurements is required in order to perform the module energy rating described in IEC 61 853-3.
3 Sampling
For performance qualification testing three modules shall be selected at random from a production batch or batches in accordance with the procedure given in IEC 6041 0. The modules shall be pre-conditioned in accordance with Clause 5 to ensure the stability of the power values. The modules shall have been manufactured from specified materials and components in accordance with the relevant drawings and process sheets and shall have been subjected to the manufacture’s normal inspection, quality control and production acceptance procedures. The modules shall be complete in every detail and shall be accompanied by the manufacturer’s handling and final assembly instructions regarding the recommended installation of any diodes, frames, brackets, etc. When the modules to be tested are prototypes of a new design and not from production, this fact shall be noted in the test report (see Clause 6).
4 Marking
Each module shall carry the following clear and indelible markings: – name, monogram or symbol of the manufacturer; – type or model number; – serial number; – polarity of terminals or leads (colour coding is permissible); – nominal and minimum values of maximum output power at STC after preconditioning, as specified by the manufacturer for the product type (see Clause 5). The date and place of manufacture shall be marked on the module or be traceable from the serial number. For future production the power ratings for NOCT, LIC, HTC and LTC determined by this standard as defined in Clause 7 and Table 1 and determined via the procedure in 9.2 shall be marked on a label, or be stated in the manufacturer’s literature provided with each module of this type.
5 Testing and pass criteria
The modules shall be subjected to the procedure for irradiance and temperature performance measurements defined in Clause 8. In carrying out the tests, the manufacturer’s handling, mounting and connection instructions shall be observed. Special considerations: Preconditioning – Before beginning the measurements, the device under test shall be stabilized by light soaking, as specified in IEC 61 21 5 (Clause 5) or IEC 61 646 (1 0.1 9). The values of STC power measured after preconditioning shall fall within the power range specified by the manufacturer of this product.NOTE The pass/fail criteria must consider the laboratory uncertainty of the measurement. As an example, if the laboratory extended uncertainty of the STC measurement is ±5 %, then a nominal nameplate rated power greater than 95 % of the laboratory measured power would meet the pass criteria. After generating the matrix of parameters in Section 8 the modules should be remeasured at STC to verify that the performance is stable.