IEC 61204-3 pdf download

IEC 61204-3 pdf download

IEC 61204-3 pdf download.Low-voltage power supplies, d.c. output – Part 3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
1 Scope and object
1 .1 Scope 1 .1 .1 Equipment covered by this standard This part of IEC 61 204 specifies electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements for power supply units (PSUs) providing d.c. output(s) with or without auxiliary a.c. output(s), operating from a.c. or d.c. source voltages up to 600 V a.c. or 1 000 V d.c. (see exceptions under 1 .1 .3.) NOTE Ringing generators used in telecoms applications are covered by this standard. This product standard covers both stand alone and component power supply units as defined in this standard. It covers PSU units for use in or with IT equipment normally covered by IEC 60950-1 :2001 1 and/or IEC 60950-1 :2005; PSU units for use in or with measurement, control and laboratory equipment normally covered by IEC 61 01 0-1 ; PSU units for use in or with medical equipment – normally covered by IEC 60601 -1 ; PSU units for use in or with audio, video and similar electronic apparatus – normally covered by IEC 60065. It also covers d.c. power and distribution equipment and d.c./d.c. converters. Where no standard exist, use of this standard for other applications is not precluded. 1 .1 .2 Additional requirements Requirements additional to those specified in this standard may be necessary for – PSUs intended for operation in special environments (for example, extremes of temperature; excessive dust, moisture or vibration; flammable gases; and corrosive or explosive atmospheres); – PSUs intended to be used in vehicles, on board ships or aircraft, or in tropical countries; – PSUs intended for use where ingress of water is possible. NOTE Attention is drawn to the fact that authorities in some countries impose additional requirements for health, environmental and similar reasons.1 .1 .4 Types of power supply Two types of power supplies are covered by this standard: a) stand alone (or end-product) power supplies Power supplies intended for free-standing operation (individual apparatus). This part of IEC 61 204 is applicable to PSUs developed as a unit with a direct function and sold on the market as a stand-alone unit. b) component power supplies These can be divided into two categories: 1 ) component power supplies considered as equivalent to stand alone power supplies (apparatus). This part of IEC 61 204 is applicable to this category of component PSUs. These PSUs are considered to be apparatus with respect to their EMC requirements, for example those PSUs intended for use in installations or sold to the general public, cases where no further EMC tests are anticipated. This does not include PSUs sold as spares for repair which have been tested as part of an overall equipment. 2) component power supplies intended for a professional installer This part of IEC 61 204 is applicable to this category of power supplies only as an aid to specify relevant EMC requirements in order that various end-product standards may be met. These are component power supplies that are intended for incorporation into a final product by a professional installer. These products may be sold to a professional installer or placed on the market for specialized distribution and use. In neither case do they perform in themselves a direct function for the user of an end-product. Further EMC tests of the assembly are assumed. NOTE After incorporation into a final product, the emission values can be altered (e.g. because of modified earth connections).
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this part of IEC 61 204, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60050-1 21 , IEC 60050-1 51 , IEC 60050-1 61 , IEC 60050-551 and IEC 601 46-1 -1 , as well as the following apply. 3.1 environment 3.1 .1 residential, commercial and light industrial environment environment encompassed by the generic standard IEC 61 000-6-3. An indication of the locations included by this environment is given in Annex G 3.1 .2 industrial environment environment encompassed by the generic standard IEC 61 000-6-4. An indication of the locations included by this environment is given in Annex G 3.2 protection distance distance for an electronic or electrical apparatus beyond which the interference levels shall not impair the use of other electronic or electrical equipment, for example broadcast radio and television receivers 3.3 distributed power system system of localized power converters supplied from a distributed power bus 3.4 port particular interface of a product with the external electromagnetic environment. [IEC 60050-1 31 :2002, 1 31 -02-21 modified]