BS ISO IEC 19785-3 pdf download

BS ISO IEC 19785-3 pdf download

BS ISO IEC 19785-3 pdf download.Information technology — Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework
2 Conformance
Clauses 6 onwards of this part of ISO/IEC 19785 specify at the bit-level the set of bit-patterns (and their semantics) that can form a valid instance of the CBEFF patron format that is defined in that clause, together with the ASN.1 Object Identifier for that set of bit-patterns. A bit-pattern identified by one of the ASN.1 Object Identifiers allocated in this part of ISO/IEC 19785 conforms to this specification if and only if it is one of the bit-patterns in the set identified by that ASN.1 Object Identifier. If an implementation claims that it supports (and conforms to) a CBEFF patron format defined in this part of ISO/IEC 19785, then it shall either be: a) capable of generating at least one of the set of bit patterns specified for that CBEFF patron format, and shall never generate bit patterns that are not part of the set, or b) capable of decoding (determining the semantics of), or in any other way processing all the bit- patterns in the set of bit patterns specified for that CBEFF patron format. NOTE If a decoding implementation is presented with a bit pattern that purports to be part of the set, but it is not, there is no requirement placed on the action taken by the implementation, but it is normally expected that the implementation will guard against denial of service or other security threats in such circumstances.
7 Patron format specification: Minimum simple bit-oriented patron format (deprecated)
7.1 Patron ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 This patron format is considered deprecated. Therefore it shall not be used in new developments or deployments. 7.2 Patron format owner 257 (0101 Hex ). The Biometric Registration Authority has allocated this identifier for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37. 7.3 Patron format name ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 minimum simple bit-oriented patron format 7.4 Patron format type 1 (0001 Hex ). This has been registered in accordance with ISO/IEC 19785-2. 7.5 ASN.1 object identifier for this patron format {iso registration-authority cbeff(19785) biometric-organization(0) jtc1- sc37(257) patron-format(1) simple-bit-oriented(1)} or, in XML value notation, <OBJECT_IDENTIFIER>1.1.19785. </OBJECT_IDENTIFIER> 7.6 Domain of use This patron format defined minimum length simple BIRs that may be of general utility in domains of use that wish to minimise data overhead in order to reduce storage or transfer bandwidth and processing costs at the expense of information content. BIRs coded with this patron format shall be simple BIRs, not containing SB, and being able to accept loss of byte alignment. As this patron format does not support the use of SB, CBEFF_BDB_encryption_options and CBEFF_BIR_ integrity_options, are intrinsically considered set to, respectively, NO ENCRYPTION and NO INTEGRITY.7.7 Version identifier This patron format specification has a version identifier of (major 0, minor 0). 7.8 CBEFF version This specification conforms to CBEFF version (major 2, minor 0). 7.9 General This clause defines a minimum conforming patron format. The formal specification of the actual bits- on-the-line for this patron format is provided by a reference to the ASN.1 encoding rules.The MinimumElementsBitOrientedpatron format is formally defined as the ASN.1 PER-unaligned encoding rules applied to the MinimumElementsBitOrientedtype specified in 0. An example of the encoding produced by an assignment of abstract values for this patron format, showing the size and encoding of each field of the SBH, is given in Table 1. The size of the SBH is one octet for BDB formats standardized by SC 37, but can be greater for other BDB formats. The BDB length encoding is one octet if the BDB encoding is less than 128 bytes, making the total size of the BIR 2 octets plus the length of the BDB.