ASME PTC 1:2022 pdf download

ASME PTC 1:2022 pdf download

ASME PTC 1:2022 pdf download General Instructions Performance Test Codes
This Section contains common rules for conducting tests on most equipment.An official test is any test conducted inaccordance with a PTC.
A Code test is a test that is designed, planned, executed and reported in compliance with the ASME PTC philosophy ofSection 1-4.Tobe considered a Code-compliant test,the user of the Code shall plan, execute, and report a test that meetsthe following two approaches:
3-2.1 Explicit Compliance Test
Atest can be consideredaCodeTestifthe user[s)oftheCode or parties to the testensurethatall the explicitprocedures,methods, requirements, and acceptance criteria of the Code are met. lt is ASMECode practice to use the word “shall” toexpress a mandatory requirementof the Code.However, in some cases the words”must””ensure,””will” and lis to be” willbe used to express a mandatory requirement of the Code. Use of the words”should” or “may” in a Code clause indicatesthat a statement is a recommendation and shall not be considered explicit procedures, methods, requirements, andacceptance criteria of the Code.
3-2.2 Agreements Compliance Test
Any departure from Code requirements could introduce additional uncertainty beyond that considered acceptable tomeet the objectives of the Code. Tests should be conducted with the strictest possible adherence to the provisions of aCode.
However, it is recognized that there is a diverse range of power plants and equipment designs that cannot be generallycategorized for purposes of establishing explicit testing methods and uncertainty limits that will cover all encounterswithin the industry.Further, events outside the control of the parties of a test or facility/equipment limitations coulddictate that the parties cannot comply with one or more Code requirements. In these circumstances,agreement betweenthe parties is necessary.
Further, in such cases, the Code user shall conform to the intent of the Code as closely as possible and shall define indetail how to manage departures from specific Code requirements and establish the magnitude of the uncertaintyimposed by those departures.For a test to be considered Code compliant, any departure from the Code requirementsshall be agreed upon in writing by the parties to the test and conform to the intent of the Code.In the absence of writtenagreement by the parties to the test, the Code requirements shall be mandatory.
Care shall be taken by the parties to ensure that they engage persons experienced in power-plant performance andtesting per ASME PTCs and with detailed knowledge of power-plant operations, thermodynamic analysis, heat balancedevelopment, test-measurement methods, and the use, control, and calibration of measuring and test equipment toensure that informed and well evaluated agreements are made.Though allowed, agreements of the parties shouldnot be made lightly.
The parties to a test are those persons and companies interested in the results. In commercial tests, it may include theowner(s), supplier(s), equipment manufacturers, architects, and engineers,firms hired to conduct or witness the tests,engineering analysts, financiers, and any of their representatives.In a commercial test it is important that the contractdelineate who the actual parties to the test are and who will be responsible for the requirements within the Code for”“parties to a test” duties and actions.
ln other noncommercial tests,the parties to a test may all be from the same company but represent different functionsand interests (e.g, testing, analysis, plant operations, performance engineering, purchasing, research, and plant main-tenance).
Regardless of whether it is a commercial or noncommercial test,each party to the test shalldesignate a representativeto the test team who will observe the test and confirm that it was conducted in accordance with the test’s requirements.This representative should also have the authority, if necessary, to fulfill individual code’s “parties to the test”respon-sibilities, such as but notlimited to approving any agreed-upon revisions to the test approach,deviations, procedures, orcalculations during the planning, execution, and reporting of the test.
3-4.1 General Precautions
Reasonable precautionsshall be taken when preparingto conductaCode test.Indisputable records shall be establishedand maintained to identify and distinguish the equipment to be tested and the exact method of testing selected. Descrip-tions, drawings,test measurement forms,or photographs are effective methods to a permanent, explicit record.Instru-mentlocations shall be predetermined and described in detail in test records.Redundant orspare calibrated instrumentsshould be provided for those instruments susceptible to in-service failure or breakage.