ASME MFC-11:2006 pdf download

ASME MFC-11:2006 pdf download

ASME MFC-11:2006 pdf download Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Coriolis Mass Flowmeters
ASME MFC-11 establishes common terminology andgives guidelines for the selection, installation, calibra-tion, and operation of Coriolis flowmeters for the deter-mination of mass flow, density, volume flow, and otherparameters. The content of this Standard is applied to theflow measurement of liquids, gases, mixtures of gases,multiphase flows, and miscible and immiscible mixturesof liquids.
Paragraph 2.1 lists definitions from ASME MFC-1Mused in ASME MFC-11.
Paragraph 2.2 lists definitions specific to thisStandard.
Paragraph 2.3 lists symbols (see Table 2.3) used in thisStandard (see notes and superscripts).
Paragraph 2.4 lists abbreviations (see Table 2.4) usedin this Standard.
Paragraph 2.5 lists references used in this Standardand a bibliography.
2.1 Definitions Copied From ASME MFC-1M
accuracy: the degree of freedom from error, the degreeof conformity of the indicated value to the true valueof the measured quantity.
(a) the process of comparing the indicated flow to atraceable reference standard
(b) the process of adjusting the output of a device tobring it to a desired value, within a specified tolerancefor a particular value of the input.
cavifation: the implosion of vapor bubbles formed afterflashing when the local pressure rises above the vaporpressure of the liquid. See also flashing.
Coriolis flozwometer: a device consisting of a flow sensorand a transmitter which measures the mass flow bymeans of the Coriolis force generated by flowing fluidthrough oscillating tube(s); it may also provide measure-ments of density and temperature.
cross-falk: if two or more Coriolis flowmeters are to bemounted close together, interference through mechani-cal coupling may occur. This is often referred to as cross-talk.The manufacturer should be consulted for methodsof avoiding cross-talk.
desity calibratior factor(s): calibration factor(s) associ-ated with density measurement.
drioe system: means for inducing the oscillation of thetube(s).
flashing: the formation of vapor bubbles in a liquid whenthe local pressure falls to or below the vapor pressureof the liquid,often due to local lowering of pressurebecause of an increase in the liquid velocity. See alsocavitation.
floe calibration factor(s): calibration factor(s) associatedwith mass flow measurement.
flow sensor: a mechanical assembly consisting of an oscil-lating tube(s), coil drive system, oscillating tube deflec-tion measurement-sensor(s), flanges / fittings, andhousing.
housing: environmental protection of the flow sensor.oscillating tube(s): tubes(s) through which the fluid to bemeasured flows.
rangeability: Coriolis flowmeter rangeability is the ratioof the maximum to minimum flowrates or Reynoldsnumber in the range over which the flowmeter meets aspecified uncertainty and / or accuracy.
repeatabilify of measuremient (qualitative): the closeness ofagreement among a series of results obtained with thesame method on identical test material, under the sameconditions (same operator, same apparatus, same labo-ratory, and short intervals of time).
repeatabilify of measirement(qnamtitative): the value belowwhich the absolute difference between any two singletest results obtained under the same conditions,[seerepeatabilify of measureneut (qualifatize)], may be expectedto lie with a specified probability. In the absence of otherindications, the probability is 95%.
reprodcibility (quartitative): the closeness of agreementbetween results obtained when the conditions of mea-surement differ; for example, with respect to differenttest apparatus, operators, facilities, time intervals, etc.NOTE: The following three paragraphs are included to help withunderstanding the definitions of repeatability and Repeatability is a quantified measure of the short term stabil-ity of a flowmeter. Repeatability can be determined from successivetests of the meter, over short periods of time, without changingthe test conditions.Repeatability can be quantified in terms of thestandard deviation or the max./ min. differences in these results.b)Reproducibility is a quantified measure of the longer-termstability of a flowmeter. Reproducibility can be determined from