ASME MBE-1:2022 pdf download

ASME MBE-1:2022 pdf download

ASME MBE-1:2022 pdf download Model-Based Enterprise: Framework
Figure7-1 presents the context ofarchitectural descriptions as defined in ISO/IEC/IEEE42010:2011.TheMBEFrame-work, combined with eventual architecture descriptions, shall be the basis for understanding an MBE’s propertiespertaining to its behavior, composition, deployment, utility, and maintainability, including the ability to be updatedor disposed.
The definition of the MBE Framework is shown in Figure 7-2.An MBE shall consist of one or more stakeholders thathave a contextual concern in one or more systems of interest.The contextual concern shall conform to a viewpoint, whichis the one or more viewpoints of the one or more roles performed by the stakeholder.The contextual concern shall use oneor more resources, which are the resource of the system of interest. The MBE Framework shall define the completeenvironment for an MBE.The MBE Framework shall determine the totality of influences upon an MBE, including theMBE’s interactions with its environment. The environment of an MBE shall be bound by its stakeholder and the stake-holder’s contextual concern.
7.1 Stakeholders
A stakeholder shall have an interest in a system of interest through a contextual concern.The stakeholder shalltake responsibility and perform roles.A stakeholder may have more than one contextual concern, which shall beaddressed by the stakeholder’s interest in a system of interest.
A stakeholder may be an individual, group,or organization that holds contextual concern within a system of interest.Acontextual concern shall be any interest in the system by one or more stakeholders and shall be contextualized by aviewpoint through the stakeholder’s role (see para.7.3).A contextual concern shall pertain to any influence of a system inits environment.
A stakeholder shall take one or more responsibilities and perform one or more roles. A stakeholder’s responsiblityshall be defined by requirements for which the stakeholder is accountable as the primary cause, motive, or agent of anactivity.A stakeholder’s role shall be defined by the functional requirements of the actors and activities ofadomain,whichhave one or more viewpoints. All functional roles of an organization (e.g, engineer, manager, technologist, operator,analyst) should be encapsulated and accounted for by the stakeholder block of the MBE Framework.
7.2 Systems of Interest
A system of interest shall provide a boundary for a contextual concern.A system of interest shalldefine what is internalversus external of a domain.The stakeholder’s interest in the system of interest shall conform to one or more viewpointsand account for the activities, lifecycle phases, roles, responsibilities, and resources for a specific domain in which astakeholder has a contextual concern.
A system of interest shall be defined in one of the following domains (see Figure 7.2-1):
conceive: the activities of imagining specifying, planning, and innovating an MBE’s products and services.
design:the activities of describing, defining, developing testing,analyzing, and validating an MBE’s productsand services.realize: the activities of making, building, procuring, producing,selling, and delivering an MBE’s products and services.service: the activities of using, operating, maintaining, supporting, and sustaining an MBE’s products and services.disposal: the activities of phasing out, retiring, recycling, and disposing an MBE’s products and services.
The system of interest shall be the starting point where an organization maps its structure to the framework and thendefines stakeholder contextual concerns from appropriate viewpoints to identify the MBErequirements that apply to theinterest of the stakeholder. Information should flow between the domains shown in Figure 7.2-1.
7.3 Viewpoints
A viewpoint shall provide the perspective to which a stakeholder’s contextual concern shall conform.A viewpoint shallreconcile a stakeholder’s role and contextual concern for the stakeholder’s interest in a system of interest.A viewpointshall be an architecture viewpoint as defined by ISO/IEC/IEEE42010:2011:”[a] work product establishing the conven-tions for the construction, interpretation, and use of architecture views to frame specific system concerns.”A viewpointshall set the boundaries for the perspective that a stakeholder has when performing a role.
A viewpointshall be defined in one of the following views,which are represented by the internal block diagram(IBD)inFigure 7.3-1:
business: the perspective and context for a stakeholder that is focused on external-facing concerns (e.g, marketing)related to the business functions of a system of interest.