ASME CSD-1:2006 pdf download

ASME CSD-1:2006 pdf download

ASME CSD-1:2006 pdf download Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers
rd) When one or more modules of a modular boiler(see Definitions) are replaced, compatibility of all con-trols and systems shail be assured. The replacementmodules shall comply with the initial listing and shallmeet the requirements of this Standard.
CG-230 Observation Ports
Observation ports shall be provided to permit directvisual inspection of the pilot, main burner flame, andboiler furnace.
CG-240 Guarding
Guards shall be provided to protect personnel and toprotect against damage to control equipment.Guardingshall conform to applicable regulations.
CG-250 Annunciator Systems
Where used, annunciator systems,and their associ-ated test and acknowledgement circuits,shall have allcontacts,switches,relays, and lights arranged so thatsafety control functions are not bypassed.
cG-260 Combustion Air
(a) The requirements of combustion air shall be inaccordance with NFPA 54/ ANSI Z2231,National Fuel
Gas Code,for gas-fired boilers, and with NFPA 31,Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment,for oil-fired boilers.
(b) Louvers and grilles shall be fixed in the open posi-tion or interlocked with the equipment so that they areopened automatically during equipment operation. Theinterlock shall be placed on the driven member.
(c) Fans supplying air to the boiler room for combus-tion shall be interlocked with the burner so that air flowis proven during equipment operation.
Each control and safety device covered by this Stan-dard shall be accepted for the intended service by anationally recognized testing agency such as, but notlimited to,UL,FM, or CSA (see cG-320).
CG-320 Installations
The completed installation of controls and safetydevices by a boiler manufacturer or installing contractorshall be in accordance with the requirements of thisStandard.
CG-410 Cleaning
Manufacturers of controls and safety devices requir-ing periodic service shall furnish detailed instructionscovering the procedures and frequency of cleaning [seecG-510(c)]-
CG-420 Testing
Manufacturers of boiler units covered by this Standardshall furnish detailed instructions for testing controlsand safety devices, both when the boiler is operatingand when it is out of service [see CG-510(c)]-
CG-430 Maintenance
Boiler,boiler unit, and burner manufacturers shallfurnish detailed instructions on maintenance and serviceprocedures for the fuel burning system or for electricallyheated units,including controls and safety devicesinstalled with the unit.
These instructions shall include requirements speci-fying that cover plates, enclosures, and guards shall bemaintained in place at all times, except during mainte-nance (see CG-510 and Part CM).
Boiler, boiler unit, burner, and control manufacturers’operation and maintenance instructions furnished withthe equipment shall be retained and made available tothe boiler operator (see CG-510).
CG-440 Operational Testing
The operation of control systems and safety devicesinstalled in accordance with this Standard shall be testedby the installing contractor prior to release to theowner / user.
a) Control systems and safety devices installed inaccordance with this Standard by the boiler manufac-turer on shop-assembled boiler units shall be operation-ally tested as close to specified field conditions aspracticable prior to shipment from the manufacturer’sfacility.
b)For boiler units with inputs less than or equal to400,000 Btu/ hr (117 228 W) for gas, or less than or equalto 3 gph for oil, where production makes it impracticalto check each boiler unit individually, the manufacturerwill prepare and follow an inspection and quality controlprocedure by which the requirements of this paragraphwill be met.
CG-50o CERTIFICATION AND REPORTINGCG-510 Certification and Reporting
(a) Manufacturers of shop-assembled boiler units cov-ered by this Standard shall maintain a report for eachboiler unit or on each category (type, size, or model) forboiler units. For boiler units less than or equal to 400,000Btu / hr (117 228 W) for gas, or less than or equal to 3 gph for oil, a report shall be maintained on each category(type, size, or model).
This report shall list
(1) each control and safety device installed in accor-dance with this Standard
(2) name of the manufacturer and model numberof each control and safety device
(3) operational test performed (see CG-440)
Paragraphs CG-510(a)(1).(2), and (3) shall be verifiedby the signature of an authorized representative of themanufacturer on this report.An example of an accept-able data report form is contained in NonmandatoryAppendix C.
This report shall be made available to the authorizedinspection agency or the inspector for action as requiredby the local jurisdiction.
(b) Installing contractors shall maintain or obtainfrom the manufacturer a data report for each installationcompleted. The report shall list
1) each control and safety device installed in accor-dance with this Standard
(2) name of the manufacturer and model numberof each control and safety device
(3) operational test performed (see CG-440)
Paragraphs CG-510(b)(1). (2), and (3) shall be verifiedby the signature of an authorized representative of theinstalling contractor on this report.An example of anacceptable data report form is contained in Nonmanda-tory Appendix C.