ASME B30-23:2005 pdf download

ASME B30-23:2005 pdf download

ASME B30-23:2005 pdf download Personnel Lifting Systems Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
All equipment used in the lifting of personnel shallbe inspected, tested, and maintained to protect againstfailure during lifting operations.
23-2.1.1 Personnel Lifting Platform
(a) General. The platform manufacturer shall furnishcomplete inspection criteria for platform users. The cri-teria shall address all inspection frequency classifica-tions listed in this volume and shall cover
1) the platform
(2) rigging components(3)fasteners
(4) all safety features and attachments(b) Frequency
(1) Initial Inspection. Prior to initial use and at eachnew job site, all platforms shall be inspected by a quali-fied person to verify compliance with the provisions ofthis volume.
(2) Regular Inspection
(a) Frequent. The platform, suspension system,attachment points,and any platform motion controlsshall be inspected at least once each day,before use,by a designated person. The inspection is to identifyconditions that have been specifically indicated by theplatform manufacturer, or a qualified person, as poten-tially creating a hazardous operating condition. Theinspection shall address at least those items listed inAppendix ImI.Any conditions found that constitute ahazard shall be corrected prior to lifting personnel.
(b) Periodic. At least once every 12 months,oras required by the platform manufacturer, a periodicinspection of the platform shall be performed by a quali-fied person in accordance with the instructions providedby the manufacturer. Platforms which have been out ofservice for 12 or more consecutive months shall receivea periodic inspection prior to use.
(c) Records
(1) For frequent inspections, dated records for
the hoisting equipment and personnel platform shall bemade and kept by the platform user for the duration ofthe personnel lift operation.
(2) For periodic inspections, dated records for
the platform shall be made by the platform owner. Thelast periodic inspection shall be kept with the platformand available for review.
23-2.1.2 Hoisting Equipment
Hoisting equipment shall be inspected in accordancewith the defined “Inspection Classification” require-
ments of the applicable ASME B30 volume.
23-2.2.1 Personnel Lifting Platform(a)Platform Manufacturer Tests
(1) Personnel platforms shall be tested by the man-ufacturer to the extent necessary to verify compliancewith the requirements of this volume,including itemssuch as the following:
(a) load suspension mechanisms or attachmentcomponents
(b) occupant safety features(c) platform rating
Where the complete production platform is not sup-plied by one manufacturer, such tests shall be conductedat final assembly by the platform assembler or a quali-fied person.
(2)Rope sling, chain sling, or other leg suspensionsystems shall be tested, prior to installation, by applyinga test load to each individual leg equal to twice the ratedload of the leg. If a master link is used in the suspensionsystem, it shall be tested to at least twice the sum of theweight of the platform and the platform rating.All testedcomponents shall be visually inspected after testing.Any component showing damage shall be replaced andthe test procedure repeated.
(3)The suspension system attaching points on sus-pended platforms shall be subjected to nondestructivetesting by the platform manufacturer.
(b) Proof ‘Testing
(1) At each new job site, prior to hoisting peoplein the personnel platform, the piatform and rigging shallbe proof tested to 125% of the platform’s rating. Withthe proof test load evenly distributed in the platform,the platform shall be hoisted and held in a suspendedposition for not less than 5 min. After the proof testing,the platform shall be inspected by a qualified person.Any damage revealed by the inspection shall be cor-rected and another proof test conducted.
(2) When feasible,the hoisting equipment to beused for lifting personnel should be the equipment usedto perform the proof tests at the job site as defined inpara.23-2.2.1(b).