ASME B30.17:2020 pdf download

ASME B30.17:2020 pdf download

ASME B30.17:2020 pdf download Cranes and Monorails (With Underhung Trolley or Bridge) Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
SECTION 17-0.1: sCoPE OF B30.17
Volume B30.17 includes provisions that apply to theconstruction, installation, operation, inspection, testing.and maintenance of hand-operated and power-operatedoverhead cranes and monorail systems with an under-hung trolley and/or bridge.These cranes and monorailsystems shall support one or more hoists used for verticallifting and lowering of freely suspended, unguided loads,and include top running and underhung bridge cranes,gantry cranes,traveling wall cranes, jib cranes,polargantry cranes, portable gantries,other cranes havingthe same fundamental characteristics,and monorailsystems including trolleys (carriers) and end trucks.Track sections and their support systems for monorailsystems,runways and their support systems for under-hung cranes, and runway rails for top running cranesare also within the scope of this Volume.
Provisions for similar equipment used for a specialpurpose, such as, but not limited to, nonvertical liftingservice, lifting a guided load, or lifting personnel, arenot included in this Volume.
abnormal operating conditions: environmental conditionsthat are unfavorable, harmful, or detrimental to or for theoperation of the crane or trolley, such as excessively highor low ambient temperatures,exposure to weather, corro-sive fumes,dust-or moisture-laden atmospheres,and haz-ardous locations.
below-the-hook lifting device: a device used for attachingloads to a hoist. The device may contain components suchas slings, hooks,and rigging hardware addressed by otherASME B30 Volumes or other standards.
brake: a device, other than a motor, used for retarding orstopping motion by friction or power means.
braking,hydraulic: a method of controlling or reducingspeed by means of displacement of a liquid.
braking, mechanical: a method of controlling or reducingspeed by friction.
braking, pneumatic: a method of controlling or powering abrake by means of compressed gas.
braking means: a method or device used for stopping/holding motion by friction or power.
bridge: the part of an overhead crane consisting of one ormore girders, trucks, and (if applicable) a drivemechanism that carries the trolley(sj.
bridge girder: a crane member on which a trolley or trol-leys travel horizontally, mounted between and supportedby the end trucks.
bridge travel:the crane movement in a direction paralleltothe crane runway.
bumper (buffer): a device for reducing impact when a
moving crane or trolley reaches the end of its pewietteatravel, or when two moving cranes or trolleys come into
contact. This device may be attached to the bridge, trolley,or runway stop.
cab: an operator’s compartment attached to a crane ortrolley.
cab,normal: an operator’s compartment used for control-ling a cab-operated crane or trolley.
cab, skeleton: an operator’s compartment used for occa-sional cab operation of, normally, a floor- or remote-oper-ated crane or trolley.
carrier: (also known as trolley) a unit that travels on thebottom flange of a monorail track, jib boom, or bridgegirder to transport a load.
chain, load: the load-bearing chain in a hoist.
clamp, hanger: a type of suspension fitting used to supporttracks from an overhead structure which is fastened to thestructure by mechanical means rather than by welding ordirect bolting.
clearance: the distance from any part of the crane to thenearest obstruction.
collectors,current: contacting devices for conductingcurrent from runway or bridge conductors.
conductors, bridge: the electrical conductors located alongthe bridge structure of a crane that transmit controlsignals and power to the trolley(s).
conductors,runway (main): the electrical conductorslocated along a crane runway that transmit controlsignals and power to the crane.
conductors (electrification): the system by which themoving equipment receives its electrical power (seeFigure 17-0.2-1).