ASME B16.23:2021 pdf download

ASME B16.23:2021 pdf download

ASME B16.23:2021 pdf download Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings: DWV
FTG = solder-joint fitting end made to copper tube
diameter (male)
M= external ANSl Standard taper pipe thread
(male) NPT
NPSM = standard straight mechanical pipe thread
s] = end of fitting made to receive o.D. tube size6 SIZE
(a) The size of the fittings scheduled in Tables 6-1through 6-56 corresponds to the drainage tube sizeshown in ASTM B306.The size of the threaded ends(except slip joints) corresponds to the nominal pipe size.(b) Fittings are designated by the size of the openings inthe sequence illustrated in Figure 6-1.
(a) Each fitting shall be marked permanently andlegibly with the manufacturer’s name or trademarkand with”DwvT (to indicate Drain Waste Vent).
(b) vent fittings shall be permanently marked”VENTONLY” (See Tables 6-43 and 6-44) and show the manu-facturer’s name or trademark in accordance with MSsSP-25.
Castings shall be copper alloy produced to meet(a) the requirements of ASTM B62 Alloy C83600; or(by the chemical and tensile requirements of ASTMB584 Alloy 83800 or 84400,and in all other respectscomply with the requirements of ASTM B62.
Dimensional variations will occur in the casting process.Pattern equipment shall be designed to produce the metalthickness given for fittings in Table 6-2.
Any final fitting metal wall thickness less than 90% ofthe thickness given in the table is unacceptable.
10.1 Convention
For determining conformance with this Standard, theconvention for fixing significant digits where limits(maximum and minimum values) are specified shall beas defined in ASTM E29.This requires that an observedor calculated value be rounded off to the nearest unitin thelast right-hand digit used for expressing the limit. Decimalvalues and tolerances do not imply a particular method ofmeasurement.
10.2 Linear Dimensions
Dwv fittings covered by this Standard shall conform tothe laying lengths specified in Tables 6-4 through 6-56.Aninspection tolerance, as shown in Table 6-1, shall beallowed on center-to-shoulder, center-to-threaded end,and shoulder-to-threaded end dimensions on all fittingshaving internal solder (cup) ends; and on center-to-solderend, solder end-to-shoulder, and solder end-to-threadeddimensions on all fittings having external solder (fitting)ends. The largest opening in the fitting governs the toler-ance to be applied to all openings.
The inspection tolerance for laying length dimensions A,B, and c (in Table 6-4) shall be double those shown above,except the minus tolerance applied to couplings; dimen-sion A shall not result in a dimension less than 2.3 mm(0.09 in.).
10.3 Ovality
Maximum ovality shall not exceed 1% of the maximumdiameters shown in Table 6-2.The average of themaximum and minimum diameters shall be within thedimensions shown in the table.
10.4 Alignment
The maximum allowable variations in the regular align-ment of all openings shall be 5 mm/m (0.06 in./ft).10.5 Gaging of Solder Joint Ends
(a) Standard Gaging Method of Solder Joint Ends. Thestandard method of gaging the diameter tolerances formale and female ends shall be by the use of plain plugand ring gages designed to hold the product within thelimits established in Table 6-2.
(b) Optional Gaging Method of Solder ]oint Ends. Forgaging the diameter tolerance of male and female ends,the manufacturer may use direct reading instrumentsinstead of ring and plug gages as specified in (a).when gaging the diameters of male and female ends,using direct reading instruments, refer to para.10.3.11 THREADED ENDS
11.1 General
Threaded ends shall conform to the dimensional re-quirements contained within Table 6-3.Fitting threadsshall be right-hand, conforming to ASME B1.20.1.Theyshall be taper threads (NPT) except for slip joint ends,which shall have straight pipe threads (NPSM).