ASME B107.27:2003 pdf download

ASME B107.27:2003 pdf download

This Standard provides performance and safetyrequirements for pliers (also known as Cannon PlugPliers) that are used prinarily for connecting or discon-necting threaded lock collars of electrical connectorsInclusion of dimensional data in this Standard does notmean that all products described herein are stoek pro-duction sizes. Consumers should consult with manufac-turers concerning lists of stock production sizes.
This Standard iay be used asa guide by state authori-ties or other regulatory bodies in the formulation of lawsor regulations. it is also intended for voluntary use by
establishnents that use or manufacture the tooli3covered.
Pliers,Multiple Position, Electrical Connector
The following is a list of publcatians referenced inthis Standard.
ASME B107.25M-1996 Pliers – Performance TestMethods
Publisher. The Aanerican Society of Mechanical Engi-neers (ASME Lntemnatioral),Ihree Park Avenue, NewYork, NY 10016-5990; Order Department: 22 LawDive, Box 2300,Fairfield,N07007-2300
ASIM D 2240-97,Test Method for Rubber Property —Durometer Hardress
Publisher. The Anerican Society for Testing and Materi-als (ASTM),100Barr Harbor Drive,West Consho-hocken,PA 19428-2959
Guide to Hand Tools — Selection,Safety Tips, ProperUse and Care
Publisher:The Hand Tools lrstitute (HrT1),25 NorthBroadway, Earrytown, NY 10591
Definitions of terms used within this Standard maybe found in ASME B107.25M.
The ilhistrations shown herein are descriptive andnonrestrictive, and are not intended to precde the muar-usacture of pliers that otherwise comply with thisStandard.
5.1 Deslgn
Pliers shall be suitable for loosering and tightentingthreaded lock collars of electrical corriectors and shaibe properly proportioned in all parts so as to be strong,urable, and easy to operate. Jaw sleeves or irserts shailbe used to prevent marring of the gripping surface ofcollars. Jaw capacity shall be adjustable through a rangeof 0.75 in to i.5 in.
Pliers shall meet the dirrersional requirerlents asshown in Figs. l and 2, and shail be capable of passingall tests in para.6.
5.2 Matrbal
The materials used in the ranufacture of the pliersshall be such as to produce pliers conforaring to thisStandard.
5.3 Fnish
Surfaces shall have a rust preventive treatnent andbe essentially free from pits, rodules, burrs, cacks, andother conditions that would adversely affect the per-formance or safety of the tool. When provided, coatingsshall be adherent,smoath,continuous,and free fromany conditions that would interfere with their protectivevalue, safety, and function.
Pbers shail be marked in a plain and perinanent tnan-ner with the manufacturer’s name or with a trademarkof such known character that the souroe of manufactureand country of origin shall be readily determined.Mark-ing shall be as permanent as the notmal life expectancyof the pliers to which it is applied (providing the markedsurface has not been subjected to a fretting or abradingaction) and be capable of withstanding the clearing procedunes normally experienced during its intended use.5.5 Handles
Handles shall be shaped to provide a comfortablehandgrip, and shall be free from rough edges and sharpcorners. Handles shall have a hardness of 38 to 48 HRC.When comfort grips are furnished, they shall be made