ASME B 107.8:2003 pdf download

ASME B 107.8:2003 pdf download

ASME B 107.8:2003 pdf download ADJUSTABLE WRENCHES
This Standard provides performance and safetyrequirements for open-end adjustable wrenches, withrack and worm adjustment, generally used on both hex-agonal and square bolts and nuts.Inclusion of dimen-sional data in this Standard is not intended to implythat all products described herein are stock productionsizes.Consumers are requested to consult with manufac-turers concerning lists of production sizes.
Adjustable wrenches shall be of the following types:Type I: standard openings
Type l: wide openings
The following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein.At the time of publication,
the editions indicated are valid.All standards are subjectto revision, and parties to agreements based on thisStandard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent editions of the publicationslisted below.
ASTM B 117-1997,Standard Practice for Operating SaltSpray (Fog) Apparatus
ASTM B 571-1997, Standard Practice for QualitativeAdhesion Testing of Metallic Coatings
ASTM B 537-1997, Standard Practice for Rating of Elec-troplated Panels Subjected to Atmospheric ExposureASTM D 968-1993,Standard Test Methods for AbrasionResistance of Organic Coatings by Falling AbrasiveASTME 18-200o, Standard Test Methods for RockwellHardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness ofMetallic Materials
Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM),100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959
Guide to Hand Tools: Selection, Safety Tips, and ProperUse and Care
Publisher: Hand Tools Institute (HTI),25 North Broad-way,Tarrytown,NY 10591
See Fig. 1 as applicable.
adjustable jaw: movable portion of the wrench that con-tacts the fastener.
adjusting worm: portion of the wrench used to adjust theclearance between the fixed and adjustable jaw.
fixed jaw: portion of the frame that contacts the fastener.frame: portion of the wrench containing the fixed jawand handle.
handle: portion of the wrench by which the tool is held.proof torque: predetermined test torque to which a sampleis subjected.
worm pin: pin used to retain the adjusting worm in theframe.
worm spring: spring used to induce friction between theframe and adjusting worm for holding the adjustingworm in any preset position.
The figures in this Standard are descriptive and notrestrictive, and are not intended to preclude the manu-facture of wrenches that are otherwise in accordancewith this Standard.
5.1 Materials
The materials used in the manufacture of the
wrenches shall be such as to produce tools conformingto this Standard. The frame. adjustable jaw, adjustingworm, and worm pin shall be steel.
5.2 Marking
Wrenches shall be marked in a legible and permanentmanner with the manufacturer’s name or with a trade-mark of such known character that the source of manu-facture and country of origin may be readily determined.5.3 Hardness
The frame (fixed jaw and handle) and adjustable jawshall show a hardness of not less than 40 HRC nor morethan 50 HRC when tested as specified in para.6.1.
5.4 Proof Torque
Wrenches shall withstand the proof torque specifiedherein for the appropriate size without failure or perma-nent deformation (set) that might affect the durability or serviceability of the wrench.There shall be no forma-tion of cracks or fracture of any part of the wrench,including jaw, frame, worm, and worm pin.After prooftorque tests, there shall be no resultant binding or loos-ening of the adjustable jaw.Before and after the prooftorque test, each wrench shall be opened and closed toverify the wrench operates over the full range of thejaw opening.
5.5 Finish
5.5.1 Surface Finish. Wrenches shall be free from rust,fins, burrs, pits, nodules, and other conditions that mayimpair their serviceability, durability,safety, or appear-ance.The external forge flash shall be removed to blendsmoothly with adjacent surfaces.
5.5.2 Coatings.The frame and the adjustable jawshall have one or more of the coatings described below,with the exception of zinc. Worm and worm pin shallhave any of the following coatings:
(a) Nickel-Chromium Plate. On wrenches with decora-tive nickel-chromium plating, the minimum thicknessshall be 0.00015 in. for nickel and 0.000003 in. for chrome,unless the wrench passes the test in para.6.5.Nickeliron undercoating (16% iron max.) may be substitutedfor nickel.
(b) Phosphate. Wrenches having a chemically pro-duced phosphate coating also shall have a coating ofrust preventive.
(c) Oxide. Wrenches having a coating consisting of achemically produced oxide also shall have a coating ofrust preventive.
(d) Zinc. Adjusting worms and worm pins may havea coating of electrodeposited zinc of 0.0003 in. minimumthickness.
(e) Alternate Coatings.Alternate coatings may be usedin lieu of nickel-chromium and shall be subjected to theAlternate Coating Test, as specified in para.6.5.