ASME A18.1:2005 pdf download

ASME A18.1:2005 pdf download

ASME A18.1:2005 pdf download Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts
piston: short cylindrical member that is provided witha sealing means that travels with the member within ahydraulic cylinder.
pit: that portion of a runway extending from the silllevel of the lowest landing to the floor at the bottom ofthe runway.
platform: the load carrying unit, including, but not lim-ited to frame, floor, enclosure, seat,and door or gate.platform frae: a structural frame, composed of intercon-necting members, which supports the platform.
plnger (ram): a long cylindrical compression memberthat is directly or indirectly coupled to the platformframe.This member is not provided with a sealingmeans. Where used in assembly with a cylinder,thesealing means is provided on the cylinder head, in thecase of telescopic plungers and cylinders, a sealingmeans may be used in the moving plunger that is alsoa cylinder.
position indicator: a device that indicates the position ofthe platform in the runway. It is called a hall positionindicator when placed at a landing, or a platform posi-tion indicator when placed in the platform.
prioate residence: a separate dwelling or a separate apart-ment in a multiple dwelling that is occupied only bythe members of a single family unit.
rated load: the load that the equipment is designed andinstalled to lift at the rated speed.
rated load performace: the operation of the equipmentwith its rated load at rated speed.
rafed speed: the speed at which the equipment is designedto operate in the up direction with rated load in theplatform.
recycling operation, telescopic plunger: an operation forrestoring the relative vertical positions of the multipleplungers in a telescoping plunger arrangement.
releasing carrier,governor rope: a mechanical device towhich the governor rope may be fastened, calibrated tocontrol the activation of a safety at a predeterminedtripping force.
repair: the process of rehabilitation or replacement ofparts that are basically the same as the original for thepurpose of ensuring performance in accordance withthe applicable Code requirements.
replacement: the substitution of a device or componentin its entirety with a new unit that is basically the sameas the original for the purpose of ensuring performancein accordance with applicable Code requirements.
rise: see fravel.
rope , copensating; wire rope used to counterbalance, orpartially counterbalance, the weight of the suspensionropes.
rope , conferweight: wire rope used to raise and lower thecounterweight on equipment having a winding drummachine or a hydraulic machine equipped with a coun-terweight.
rope, gooernor: wire rope with at least one end fastenedto the safety activating means or governor rope releasingcarrier, passing over and driving the governor sheave,and providing continuous information on the speed anddirection of the platform or counterweight.
rope,suspension (hoisting): wire rope used to raise andlower a platform lift or its counterweight, or a stairwaychairlift, or both.
rope equalizer, suspension: a device installed on a platformor counterweight to equalize automatically the tensionsin the suspension wire ropes.
rope-fastening device, auxiliary: a device attached to theplatform or counterweight or to the overhead dead-endrope-hitch support that will function automatically tosupport the platform or counterweight in case the regu-lar wire-rope fastening fails at the point of connectionto the platform or counterweight or at the overheaddead-end hitch.
runby, top, direct-plunger ‘ydraulic: the distance the plat-form can run above its top terminal landing before theplunger strikes its mechanical stop.
r1rway: the space in which the platform or seat moves.ruvway door or gate,locking device: a device that securesa runway door or gate in the closed position and pre-vents it from being opened from the landing side exceptunder certain specified conditions.
safety bulkhead: a closure at the bottom of the cylinderlocated above the cylinder head and provided with anorifice for controlling the loss of fluid in the event ofcylinder head failure.
safety, platform or counterweighf: a mechanical deviceattached to the platform frame or to an auxiliary frame,or to the counterweight frame, to stop and hold theplatform or counterweight under one or more of thefollowing conditions: predetermined overspeed, freefall, or if the suspension ropes slacken.
safety, self-resetting: a platform or counterweight safetyreleased and reset by movement in the up direction.screw column: a structural member provided with screwthreads that supports the platform on screw drivingmachines.
shall: indicates a mandatory requirement.
should: indicates a recommendation, not a mandatoryrequirement.