AS NZS IEC 62471 pdf download

AS NZS IEC 62471 pdf download

AS NZS IEC 62471 pdf download,Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems
This International Standard gives guidance for evaluating the photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems including luminaires. Specifically it specifies the exposure limits, reference measurement technique and classification scheme for the evaluation and control of photobiological hazards from all electrically powered incoherent broadband sources of optical radiation, including LEDs but excluding lasers, in the wavelength range from 200 nm through 3000 nm.
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions, symbols and abbreviations apply. 3.1 actinic dose (see ILV 845-06-23) Quantity obtained by weighting spectrally the dose according to the actinic action spectrum value at the corresponding wavelength. Unit: J⋅m -2 Note: This definition implies that an action spectrum is adopted for the actinic effect considered, and that its maximum value is generally normalized to 1. When giving a quantitative amount, it is essential to specify which quantity dose or actinic dose is meant, as the unit is the same. 3.2 angular subtense (α) Visual angle subtended by the apparent source at the eye of an observer or at the point of measurement. In this standard subtended angles are denoted by the full included angle, not the half angle. Unit: radian Note: The angular subtense α will generally be modified by incorporation of lenses and mirrors as projector optics, i.e. the angular subtense of the apparent source will differ from the angular subtense of the physical source. 3.3 aperture, aperture stop Opening that defines the area over which average optical emission is measured. For spectral irradiance measurements this opening is usually the entrance of a small sphere placed in front of the radiometer/spectroradiometer entrance slit.3.4 blue light hazard (BLH) Potential for a photochemically induced retinal injury resulting from radiation exposure at wavelengths primarily between 400 nm and 500 nm. This damage mechanism dominates over the thermal damage mechanism for times exceeding 10 seconds. 3.5 continuous wave (CW) lamp Lamp that is operated with a continuous output for a time greater than 0,25 s, i.e., a non-pulsed lamp. Note: In this standard, General lighting service (GLS) lamps are defined to be Continuous wave lamps. 3.6 erythema (see ILV 845-06-15) Reddening of the skin; as used in this standard the reddening of the skin resulting from inflammatory effects from solar radiation or artificial optical radiation. Note: The degree of delayed erythema is used as a guide to dosages applied in ultraviolet therapy. 3.7 exposure distance Nearest point of human exposure consistent with the application of the lamp or lamp system. For lamps radiating in all directions the distance is measured from the centre of the filament or arc source. For reflector-type lamps the distance is measured from the outside edge of the lens or the plane defining the end of the reflector in a lens free reflector. Unit: m 3.8 exposure limit (EL) Level of exposure to the eye or skin that is not expected to result in adverse biological effects. 3.9 eye movements The normal eye, when focused on an object, moves slightly in a random motion with a frequency of a few hertz. This rapid eye movement causes the image from a point source to be spread over an area of the retina equivalent to an angular subtense of about 0,011 radians. Furthermore, for times greater than about 100 seconds the focused stare capability breaks down causing further spreading of the radiant power over the retina due to task determined eye movements, e.g. as in reading.3.11 general lighting service (GLS) lamps Term for lamps intended for lighting spaces that are typically occupied or viewed by people. Examples would be lamps for lighting offices, schools, homes, factories, roadways, or automobiles. It does not include lamps for such uses as film projection, reprographic processes, “suntanning”, industrial processes, medical treatment and searchlight applications.