AS ISO IEC 9973 pdf download

AS ISO IEC 9973 pdf download

AS ISO IEC 9973 pdf download.Information technology—Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation— Procedures for registration of items
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 approval body organization that approves or rejects proposals 3.2 clarification non-substantive change to a registered item 3.3 class set of items with common properties or that are common in application to a relevant International Standard 3.4 deprecated item items that have been approved for removal because they were found to be obsolete or in error Note 1 to entry: Deprecated items are retained in the register, but marked as“deprecated”. 3.5 Generalized Drawing Primitive GDP primitive required for graphical item registration  3.6 International Register of Items the set of classes and their corresponding items that are covered by this International Standard 3.7 item a member of a class covered by this International Standard 3.8 notification recipients member bodies of relevant ISO and IEC committees and/or subcommittees, relevant Category A, B and C liaisons, and relevant sponsoring authorities 3.9 register identifier an identifier assigned by the registration authority that uniquely identifies an item within the scope of a single class 3.10 registered item an item approved for inclusion in the International Register of Items using the procedures specified in this International Standard 3.11 registration assignment of a permanent, unique and unambiguous identifier to an item with its related descriptive information and placement in the International Register of Items 3.12 registration authority organization to which management of a register has been designated by the ISO Technical Management Board section a group of one or more related classes 3.14 sponsoring authority organization that is authorized to submit registration proposals 3.15 standardized item item specified by the International Standard that defines the class to which the item has been associated
4 Concepts
4.1 Overview Standards that include registration provisions, as specified by this International Standard, are supported by the International Register of ltems. The International Register of Items provides the following features: a register of identifiers and meanings that may be shared between related standards, – new instances of concepts in the related standards to be specified by registration, and – a repository where both standardized and registered items may be browsed or searched. This International Standard specifies procedures that manage the International Register of Items, which is organized into sections. The International Register of Items is maintained by the registration authority. Proposals related to the International Register of Items are submitted by sponsoring authorities, processed by the registration authority and approved by the relevant approval body. 4.2 Registration authority 4.2.1 Appointment of a registration authority The registration authority for this International Standard is established in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Annex H and is approved by the ISO Technical Management Board as part of a ten- year agreement to maintain the International Register of Items. Contact information for registration authorities of International Standards including this one are maintained and available at development/maintenance. agencies.htm. 4.2.2 Overview of registration authority responsibilities The registration authority shall maintain the International Register of Items. Upon request, the registration authority shall distribute information including a description of the International Register of Items and how to submit proposals. Additional information on the responsibilities of the registration authority is provided in Clause 5 and Figure 1. 4.3 Sponsoring authorities 4.3.1 Authorized sponsoring authorities Proposals for changing the content of the register may be made by the following organizations that are authorized to be sponsoring authorities for the purposes of this International Standard: a) any ISO or IEC Technical Committee or Subcommittee; b] any P-member or 0-member of ISO/IEC JTC 1 or its subcommittees; c any international organization having Category A, B, or C liaison status with ISO/IECJTC 1 or its subcommittees.