ASME B16.36:2020 pdf download

ASME B16.36:2020 pdf download

ASME B16.36:2020 pdf download Orifice Flanges
4.2 Bolting
Bolting material recommendations are given in ASMEB16.5.
4.3 Materials Manufactured to Other Editions
Materials may meet the requirements of material spec-ification editions other than those listed in ASME B16.5,Mandatory Appendix l, provided
(a) the materials are the same specification, e.g-.grade,type, class, or alloy, and heat-treated conditions,as appli-cable
(b) the flange manufacturer certifies that the require-ments of the edition of the specification listed in ASMEB16.5,Mandatory Appendix Il have been met
4.4 Plugs
Pressure-retaining plugs shall conform to ASME B16.11,unless otherwise agreed between purchaser and manu-facturer. Plug material shall be at least as corrosion resis-tant as the corresponding flange material.
Orifice flange sizes are indicated by the nominal pipesize to which they are attached. Only those listed inTables 5.1 through 5.5 and Mandatory Appendix l areconsidered standard.
Flanges shall be marked as required in ASME B16.5.Forwelding neck flanges only, the bore diameter shall bemarked.
The finish of contact faces shall conform to the require-ments of ASME B16.5.
Flange dimensions are based on the use of 1.5-mm(0.06-in.) thick gaskets.
8.2 Flange Gaskets Requiring Dimensional
When the location of the pressure tap with respect tothe orifice plate is critical to the service and meteringconditions.the distance from the face of the flange tothe tap centerline may be changed to accommodateother than 1.5-mm (0.06-in.) thick gaskets or ring-typejoint gaskets whose thickness may vary from thatlisted in Tables 5-2 through 5-5 or MandatoryAppendix l.
Changing the distance from the face of the flange to thetap centerline may also be accomplished by changing theraised face height. If flat gaskets are being used and theraised face is completely removed,the user is cautioned tolimit the outside diameter of the gasket or orifice plate tothe outside diameter of raised face, R. in order to ensureproper gasket compression.
9 PRESSURE TAPS9.1 General
Each orifice flange shall be provided with two pressuretap holes extending radially from the outside diameter ofthe flange to the inside diameter of the flange. Corner tapsmay be used on NPS 1 1/2 and smaller if space permits. SeeFigure 9.1-1.
For ring joint flanges listed in Tables 5-2 through 5-5,
and Mandatory Appendix l, where radial taps will interferewith the ring groove, angular meter taps,as illustrated in
Figure 9.1-2, will be required.
9.2 Location
9.2.1 Measurement. The distance between the center-line of the tap and the face of the flange shall be measuredat the bore. Dimensions different than those shown in thetables may be supplied by agreement between thepurchaser and manufacturer.
9.2.2 ldentification. When methods other than thosedescribed in this Standard are used for ring joint flangesrequiring changes to the pressure tap location due tointerference with the ring groove, such changes shallbe identified as agreed by purchaser and manufacturer.9.3 Pipe Connection
Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,orificeflanges shall be supplied with NPs 1/ threaded connec-tions.
9.3.1 NPS Taps. Pressure tap connections may beinternally threaded in accordance with ASME B1.20.1or socket welding in accordance with ASME B16.11.Each threaded pressure tap connection shall be equippedwith a pipe plug meeting the requirements of para.4.4.Each socket pressure tap connection shall be fittedwith a plastic socket weld plug.
9.3.2 Nipples. NPS 1/2or NPs 374 nipples may be
provided at the pressure tap connections when specifiedby the purchaser. Unless otherwise agreed by the
purchaser and the manufacturer,nipples shall
(a) extend 75 mm (3 in.J beyond the outside diameterof the flange
(b) have plain ends
cbe schedule 160 wall thickness in accordance withASME B36.10M