ASME PTC-30.1:2007 pdf download

ASME PTC-30.1:2007 pdf download

ASME PTC-30.1:2007 pdf download Air-Cooled Steam Condensers Performance Test Codes
The symbols listed in Table 2-1 are to be used unlessotherwise defined in the text. Numerical constants usedin the equations and examples in the Code, unless other-wise specified, are based on SI Units.
The following terms are characteristic of air-cooledsteam condensers and the requirements for testing them.For the definition of all other physical terms,or thedescription of the instruments used in this Code, referto the literature and to ASME PTC19.1,Test Uncertainty;ASME PTC 19.2,Pressure Measurement; and ASMEPTC 19.3,Temperature Measurement.
acceptance fest: the evaluating procedure to determine ifa new or modified piece of equipment satisfactorilymeets or exceeds its performance criteria, permitting thepurchaser to “accept” it from the supplier.
accwracy: the closeness of agreement between a measuredvalue and the true value.
(a) starting equipment, stopping equipment,orchanging the set point of equipment during a test run.(b) correction of test parameters to guaranteeconditions.
air-cooled condenser (ACC): a heat exchanger using ambi-ent air as the heat sink to absorb heat directly fromsteam at vacuum conditions, condensing the steam andrecovering the condensate, as would be typically usedin an electric power generating station.
air-renoval syste: a system of steam-jet air ejectors(SJAEs) and/or liquid-ring vacuum pumps (LRVPs) inany combination, intended to remove the noncondensi-bles and maintain the capability of the ACC and supportoperation of the vacuum deaerator. The air removal sys-tem is typically supplied and tested as part of the ACC.ambienf air temperature: the temperature of the air mea-sured upwind of the ACC within its air supply stream.anmbiert wwind velocity: the speed and direction of the windmeasured upwind of the ACC within its air supplystream.
area: the outside surface area, including tube surface andfin surface; the area used as the basis for heat-transfercalculations.
atospleric pressure: force per unit area exerted by theatmosphere at the location of the ACC.
backpressure: see condenser pressure.
bias error: see systematic error.
calibration: the process of comparing the response of aninstrument to a standard instrument over some measure-ment range and adjusting the instrument to match thestandard, if appropriate.
cogeneration stean load: the portion of the steam gener-ated in the unit that is diverted to a process unrelatedto power generation. The diverted steam is not con-densed in the ACC, and the condensate may or may notbe returned to the condensate tank.
condensafe pump: a pump that withdraws condensatefrom the condensate tank and discharges it to the boilercircuit, HRSG, or other components of the power cycle.Also called condensate forwarding pump. It is typically notsupplied nor tested as part of the ACC.
condensafe tank: a vessel at roughly the same pressure(vacuum) as the ACC that collects condensate returningfrom the heat transfer surfaces, plant drains, and make-up water.Also called condensate receiver.It is typicallysupplied and tested as part of the ACC.
condenser pressure: the absolute pressure at the prescribedlocation, typically at or near the steam turbine exhaustflange at which design and guarantee performance areto be achieved.
controlling guarantee case: that combination of thermalduty, condensing pressure, and inlet air temperature thatdictates the design of the ACC.See para. 3-8.1.
correcled performance: performance parameter adjustedmathematically to a specified reference condition.
data acqueisifion system: a system by which substantiallyall of the test measurements are acquired and recordedelectronically and stored directly in a computer.
deaerafor: a device that removes dissolved oxygen fromthe makeup water.
design values: performance conditions upon which thedesign of the ACC is based and for which the perform-ance of the ACC may be predicted.
exit air termperatre: the temperature of the air leavingthe ACC.