ASME B107.38:2003 pdf download

ASME B107.38:2003 pdf download

operator’s figers wten it is no longer needed. This
short stop latch shall also incorporate a device that shaltfunction within the limited stroke imposed by the short
stop latch and shall be simuilar to, but independent of,the automatic stop return described in subparagrapha)(2)above. When the short stop latch is disengaged,it shall in no way interfere with the operation of thewire stripper.
f5)A stripping length stop may be provided so that
the ends of the wires may be repeatedly stripped to apredetermined length 1his stop shall be adjustable so
that any desired stripping length from 0.25 in. through
1.0 in. imay be selected and easily set. This stop shall beconstructed or designed so that no position in its rangewiobstruct the operator’s view of the grooves and
narkings or the stripping blades as they close on thewire.
5.3.2 Type H. wre Cutters/Strippers,PlatJaws andHandles. Type tpliers shall be fabricated by joining twohalves using flat, one-piece, jaw /handle corstruction.The joint shall serve as a pivot point, holding both halvesof the strippers together. These strippers shall stripgeneral-purpose solid and/ or stranded copper wire.Thewire to be stripped shall be placed in the applicablegroove size, the pliers closed against a positive stop(Class 4 excluded), and the insulation slug pulled offthe conductor. Type Il strippers shall consist essentiallyof jaws and handles with confort grips and be similarto Figs. 3 through 6.
Class 1, 2, and 3 stripping edges shall provide varioussizes of grooves suitable for stripping the type and rangeof wire sizes specified in Table 3. A groove size shall beprovided for appticable wire gage sizes. Each grooveshan be accurate for the size marked. Pliers shall alsoprovide a straight, smooth cutting or shearing surfacethat shall be at least 0.30 in. long.A hole approxirnately0.13 in. in diarneter and suitably located for loopbendingof stripped conductors may be provided.
Class 4 stripping edges are forward of the pivot andshall have an adjustable groove suitable for stripping the type and range of wire sies specified in Table 3.Pliers shall also provide a straight, smooth cutting orshearing surface that shall be at least 0.30 in. long.Ahole approximately 0.13 in. in diameter and suitablylocated for loop bending of stripped conductors may beprovided.
5. Handles
5.4. Charactertstics. Handles shall be shaped to pro-vide a comfortable grip, and shall be free from roughecges and sharp corrers.Outer hand-gripping surfacesshall be smooth, knurled,inpressed, or furrished withconfort grips.
5.4.2 Strength.There shail be no evidence of cracksor breakage during the load test specified in para. Comfon Grips. When comfort grps are fur-rished on handles, they shall be made of rubber, plastic,or other suitable material capable of withstanding nor-mal use without deteriorating or rubbing off and shalpass the solvent resistance test specified in para. 6.4.Comfort grips shall remain permanently attached undenorual use.
wARNING: Coafort grips an handles are not inlended tbo giveany degree of protection against electric shock and shal nat beused on or near tive electic circuits.
5.5 Joint
5.5.1 Construction. There shall be no excessive side-ways uovenent, play, or other indication of loosenessthat will affect pliers’ function when they are opened orclosed.Plers shall pass the joint integrity test specified inpara.6.5.
5.5.2 Fastener Hardness. The fastener hardness shallbe from 25 to 55 HRC,except that when the fastenerreceives a case-hardening treatment, a maximum hard-ness equivalent to 60 HRC shall be pertitted.