ASME B107.53:2004 pdf download

ASME B107.53:2004 pdf download

Ball peen harnners shall have a striking face on oneend of the head for use in stking punches and chisels,and a ball pcen on the opposite end for use in riveting.shaping. and straightenirig unhardened metals.
) The stnking face shall have a convex shape.b) lhe ball peen shall have a srroothly contouredshape that is approximatcly hemispherical.
(c) The striking face shall have a chamfcr of approxi-mately 15 deg (or equivalernt radius) around the perime-ter with a width equal to approximately one-tenth thediarmeter of the bell as measured across the chamferangle. For exanple, if the bell diameter equals ] in., thenthe chamfer width equals approximately 0.10 in.
(d)Hammers shall pass the tests specified in para. 5.(e) Thc head and handle shall be free of nonfunctionalsharp edges. points, and surface roughness that couidinflict personal injury on the user when handling theharnmer.
4.2 Materials
The materials used in the manufacture of hammersshall be as such to produce hammers conforming to therequirements specified herein.
4.3Mechanical Properties
ia)The striking face shall be hardened and temperedto 4S HRC to 60 HRC or equivalent.
b The ball peen shall be hardened and tempered to45 HRC to 60 HRC or equivalent.
Many tcsts required herein are inherently hazardousand adequate safeguards for personnel and propertyshall be ermployed in conducting such tests.
Samplc harmners shall be tested and shall conformto the requinments of all applicable tests specificd inparas. 5.1’through 5.5.Separate (new) sarmples shal beused for each of the tests.Failure to meet the require-ments of any one of the tests indicates the hamners donot comply with this Standard.
5.1 Hardness Determination Test
Hardness deternnination with respect to the facc ardball peen shall be made in accordance with ASTM E 18.5.2 Striking and Tensile force Test
Prior to tensile forcc testing, sample hammers shallbe subjected to the following striking force test:
fa) The tool shall withstand 20 swinging blows onthe striking face and 20 swinging blows on the ballpeen erd at a head velocity of 45 ft/sec to 55 ft/sec(approximated by a person of average build,160 lb to 180 1b).This velocity shall be achieved with the hammerheld or fixtured at the nornal gripping area.
fb) The test shall be conducted at room temperature.ic The blaws shall be struck against the smooth, flat,or slightly convex surface of a rigidly supported stcelobject that has a rinimum diameter of 3 un.,a minirnumlerigth of 2 in., and a hardness of 92 HRB to 105 HRBar equivalent.
tdiThe striking face and ball peen shall not sink,mushroarn,chip. crack, or spall.
Folloswving the striking test, the head and handle shalinot looscn or separatc whcn subjected to tensile forcetesting. The hanrnrers shall be tested using the statictensile forces specified in para. 5.2.1 for chemicallybonded assemblies or one-piece hammers and thosespecificd in para.5.2.2 for wedgod assembles (see Fig.2).