ASME Y14.100:2017 pdf download

ASME Y14.100:2017 pdf download

ASME Y14.100:2017 pdf download Engineering Drawing Practices Engineering Product Definition and Related Documentation Practices
3.8 Authentication
authentication: the process of verifying the claimed identity of a document’s author and approver(s).3.9 Biometrics
biometrics: the use of biological properties to identify individuals, e.g, fingerprints, a retina scan, voice recognition, etc.3.10 Bulk ltems
bulk items: those constituents of an assembly or part such as oil, wax, solder, cement, ink, damping fluid, grease,flux, welding rod, twine, or chain that satisfy one or more of the following criteria: the quantity required cannotreadily be predetermined; the physicalnature of the material is such that it is not adaptable to pictorial representation;the finished size is obtainable through use of such tools as shears, pliers, or knives without further machiningoperation; and the final configuration is such that it can be described in writing without the necessity of pictorialrepresentation.
3.11 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE)Code
Commercial and Government Entity Code: a five-character code that provides a unique activity identifier used by thegovernment for activity identification. This method of activity identification has also been widely adopted byindustry.CAGE Codes are listed in Cataloging Handbook H4/H8.
3.12 Contract
contract: a mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish the supplies or services,includingconstruction, and buyer to pay for them. It includes all types of commitments that obligate the procuring activityto an expenditure of appropriated funds and that, except as otherwise authorized, are in writing. In addition tobilateral instruments, contracts include, but are not limited to, awards and notices of awards; job orders or taskletter issued under basic ordering agreements; letter contracts; orders, such as purchase orders, under which thecontract becomes effective by written acceptance or performance; and bilateral contract modifications.
3.13 Contractor
contractor:an individual, partnership, company, corporation, association, or other service having a contract for thedesign, development, manufacture, maintenance, modification, or supply of items under the terms of a contract.3.14 Controlled Media
controlled media: engineering data or manufacturing tools that include manufacturing processes required to achieveengineering interchangeability or replaceability requirements.
3.15 Copy
copy: any reproduction or duplication, in any media, of an original.3.16 Critical Safety Characteristic
critical safety characteristic: any feature, such as tolerance, finish, material composition, manufacturing, assembly, orinspection process or product that, if nonconforming or missing, could cause the failure or malfunction of thecritical safety item.
3.17 Critical Safety ltem (CSl)
Critical Safety liem: a part, assembly, installation, or production system with one or more critical characteristics that,if not conforming to the design data or quality requirements, would result in an unsafe condition.
3.18 Critical Safety Process (CSP)
CriticalSafety Process: any fabrication, manufacturing, assembly, installation, maintenance, repair, or other processor procedure that implements a safety design feature or satisfies system safety requirements.
3.19 Cryptographic Key
cryptographic key: a string of bits used widely in cryptography to encrypt and decrypt data.3.20 Data Set
data set: see product definifion data set.
3.21Design Activity
design activity: an organization that has, or has had, responsibility for the design of an item.3.21.1 Current Design Activity
current design activoity: the design activity currently responsible for the design of an item. This may be the originaldesign activity or a design activity to which the design responsibility has been transferred.
3.21.2 Original Design Activity
original design actiroity: the design activity originally responsible for the design and identification of an item whosedrawing number and activity identification is shown in the title block of the drawings and associated documents.3.22 Design Activity ldentification (DAI)
Design Activity ldentification: the application of a unique identifier that distinguishes an activity or organizationfrom another activity or organization. Examples of activity identification include activity name,activity name andaddress, or CAGE Code.
3.23 Digital Data
ligital data:data stored on a computer system that employs a display on which the user and computer interact tocreate or alter entities for the production of layouts, drawings, numerical control tapes, or other engineering data.3.24 Digital Signature
ligital signature: a person’s signature transmitted in a coded form, from a computer, by discrete signal elementssuch that the identity of the signatory and integrity of the data can be verified.
3.25 Document
document: a term applicable to the specifications, drawings,lists,standards, pamphlets, reports, and printed, typewrit-ten, or otherwise created information relating to the design, procurement,manufacture, testing,or acceptanceinspection of items or services.
3.26 Drawing
draving: an engineering document or data set that discloses,directly or by reference, by means of graphic or textualpresentations, or by combinations of both, the physical or functional requirements of an item.
3.27 Drawing Format
dracvoing format: the arrangement and organization of information within a drawing.This includes such features asthe size and arrangement of blocks, notes, lists, and revision information and use of optional or supplementalblocks.
3.28 Drawing Graphic Sheet
draing graphic sheet: the two-dimensional geometric elements and annotations that define an item and the productdefinition elements of the sheet format in accordance with ASME Y14.1 or ASME Y14.1M.
3.29 Drawing in Book Form
drawing in book forn: a multisheet drawing that is primarily textual and may be bound along the left margin.Thesedrawings are generally prepared on A, B, or G size formats.
3.30 Duplicate Original
auplicate original: a replica of an engineering drawing created to serve as the official record of the item when theoriginal has been lost.