ASME A120.1:2021 pdf download

ASME A120.1:2021 pdf download

1.7 Terms and Definitions
accepted: accepted by the enforcing agency having juris-diction.
allowable stresses: the working stress limitations imposedby a nationally recognized standards-promulgating or-ganization.
anchor: a point of attachment that transfers load to thebuilding.
anchor, adhesive: a metal element post-installed into ahardened concrete building-structure member and usedto transfer applied loads into the concrete by means ofchemical bonding compounds.
anchor, strain relief: a building point of attachment nearthe power outlet,used for attaching power cable strain-relief connectors.
anchor,tie-back: a building structure point of attach-ment used for securing any required tie-back ropes oftransported and/or portable support equipment.
anchor, tie-down: a building-structure point of attach-ment used for resisting roof car or outrigger overturningmoment loads.
anchor, tie-in (ISA): a building-facade point of attach-ment used in intermittent stabilization for transferringexternal platform loads into the building structure.
anchor, track or rail: a building-structure point ofattachment used for holding carriage-supporting railsand tracks.
anchorage: a secure point of attachment for personal fallarrest lifelines, lanyards, or deceleration devices,and thatis independent of the means of supporting or suspendingthe user.
angulated roping: a means of stabilization where theupper point of suspension is inboard from the attachmentson the suspended unit, causing the suspended unit to bearagainst the face of the building.
automatic equipment: see unmanned suspended equip-ment.
base: see socket.
bird cage: the appearance of a wire rope where the outerstrands displace, forming a cage appearing as an increasein the overall rope diameter.
boom gjib]: a structural component that provides hori-zontal reach.
brake,primary: a brake designed to be automaticallyapplied whenever power to the prime mover is inter-rupted or discontinued.
brake, secondary: a brake designed to prevent the descentof the suspended or supported equipment in the event ofan overspeed condition.
brake types:
disc: a brake in which the holding effect is obtained byfrictional resistance between faces of rotating discs orshoes.
self-energizing band: a unidirectional brake in which thebraking action is obtained by frictional resistancebetweena stationary flexible brake band and a rotating drum,whereby the friction force increases the holding forceor pressure on the friction surfaces.
shoe brake: a brake in which the holding effect isobtained by applying pressure on two or more stationarysegmental friction elements against a rotating cylindricalwheel or drum.
wire rope engaging: a brake that grips onto a wire rope.without damage to the rope, to prevent the descent of asuspended unit.
building: a structure wherein people may live, work,orotherwise make use of the facilities offered within thestructure.
building face roller: a guide roller designed to ride on theface of the building wall to prevent the suspended orsupported equipment from abrading the face of thebuilding.
building maintenance: exterior or interior operations suchas window cleaning. caulking, metal polishing. reglazing.and general light maintenance or repairs on buildingsurfaces.
building maintenance unit (BMU): permanently installedequipment designed for a building or structure whosefunction is to provide access to the facade and/or specificparts of the building.The equipment may be fixed in placeor traverse on tracks or a runway.The equipment has oneor more powered components in addition to the hoistingmachine from which a permanently dedicated remotepowered platform is suspended.
cable: a conductor, or group of conductors, enclosed in aweatherproof sheath, which may be used to supply elec-trical power or control currents for equipment and toprovide voice communication circuits.
carriage: a wheeled vehicle used normally for the hori-zontal movements and support of equipment.
catalog strength: the rated strength of any product ormaterial as designated by its manufacturer or vendor,based on standard testing procedures or acceptable engi-neering design practices.
certified: accepted by design,evaluation, or inspection by aregistered professional engineer.
combination cable: ropes having both steel structuralmembers for support of the equipment and copper orother electrical conductors insulated from each otherand the structural members by nonconductive barriers.