ASME B30.13:2017 pdf download

ASME B30.13:2017 pdf download

ASME B30.13:2017 pdf download StoragejRetrieval (SjR) Machines and Associated Equipment Safety Standard for Ca bleways , Cranes , Derricks , Hoists , Hooks , Jacks , and Slings
S/R machines may be modified or rerated, providecsuch modifications and the supporting structure are ana-ly zed by a qualified person or the man ufacturer. Arerated machine or one whose load-supporting compo-nents have been modified shall be tested in accordanoewith para.13-2.2.2.New rated load or design load shallbe displayed in accordance with para.13-1.1.1.
13-1.4.1 Cab Location on an Operator Ridden
S/R Machine
(a) The general arrangement of the cab and locationof the control equipment shall be such that all devicesnecessary to select,initiate, or terminate an automaticcycle or to start or stop each manually controlled opera-tion are within convenient reach of the operator.
(b) The cab shall be clear of all fixed structures withinits area of possible movement.
13-1.4.2 Cab Construction
(aThe cab interior construction should protect theoperator from knobs,edges, or corners in the event ofsudden crane accelerations or deoelerations.
bThe cab should be constructed and installed tominimize swaying or vibration.
ie)In the absence of an outside platform, the door, ifprovided, shall open inward or slide and be self-closing-it shall be equipped with positive latching devices topnevent inadvertent opening.
(d)Emergency exit means to the floor shall be pro-vidled for all positions of a carriage-mounted cab.(e)While the machine is in motion,all parts of theoperator’s body shall be kept within the design clear-ances by the construction of the cab, by hands-on,feet-in-place operating type controls, or by mechanicalrestraints interlocked with motion controls.
All cab glazing shall be safety glazing material asdefined in ANSI Z26.1.
ig)The crane operator shall be protected from fallingobjects at the norrmal work station. The protectionrequired shall be based upon the materials being storedand their height. Protection such as an overhead guardor cab location is acceptable. The operator protectionshall be designed by a qualified person.
()Means shall be provided to lirmit horizontal dis-placement of a pallet or container on a carriage towardthe operator.
)Materials that will propagate combustion or rekin-dle shall not be used in the construction of the cab.13-1.4.3 Fire Extinguisher
A portable fire extinguisher, with a basic minimumextinguisher rating of 10 BC, shall be installed in the cab.
Cab lighting, either natural or artificial, shall providea level of illunination that enables the operator toobserve the operating controls.
Lubricating points should be accessible from walk-ways , floor(s), or platforms without the necessity ofrenoving guards or other parts.
13-1.6.1 Location of Platforms
Service platforms, fixed or rermovable, should be pro-vided as required for access to controls and other mainte-nanoe items.
13-1.6.2Construction of Platforms
(a)Platforms shall be cesigned to sustain a distrib-uted load of at least 50 lb/ ft(2.4 kPa).
(b Platforms shall have a slip-resistant walkingsurface.
(c) Handrails for platforms shall be 36 in.(915 mm)to 42 in. (1 067 mm) high with an intermediate rail anda 4 in. (102 mm) to 6 in. (152 mm) toeboard.
d) Ladder access openings in the platform floorshould be approximately 24 in. (610 mm) × 27 in.(685 mm) protected with a hinged hatch cover.
(e) When platforms are provided for personnel whoride on the carriage outside the cab, they shall beequipped with the following:
i) a flat slip-resistant surface upon which to stand,either on the carriage or on a portable platform/ surfaceattached to the carriage
(2)a fall arrest anchorage at shoulder height orhigher, meeting the requirements of ASSEZ359.13)a means of communication between the opera-tor and the person on the carriage
(4)a means of”emergency stop” that is availableto the person on the carriage
5j a handhold for each person on the carriage13-1.6.3 Fixed Ladders
Fixed lacdders,if provided, shall meet the followingrequirenents:
ia)the minimum design live load shall be a singleconcentrated load of 250 lb (113kg), concentrated at sucha point that will cause maximum stress in the structuralmember being considered.
(b) rungs shall have a minimum diameter of/4 in. (19 mm), a maximun distance between rungs of12 in. (305 mm), and a minimum clear width of16 in. (406 mm).