ASME ANDE-1:2020 pdf download

ASME ANDE-1:2020 pdf download

ASME ANDE-1:2020 pdf download ASME Nondestructive Examination and Quality Control Central Qualification and Certification Program
1-3.1 General
(a) This Section contains the requirements for theoverall responsibility of the CB program for NDE andQC inspection personnel qualification and certificationto this Standard.
(b] The ANDE Committee is responsible for the devel-opment and maintenance of this standard.
(c) The CB QA program and the CB general administra-tive procedures for implementation of this Standard suchas the operating procedures and instructions to candi-dates shall be made available to the applicable slscommittee for review and comment, and all commentsshall be addressed prior to implementation by the CB.(d] The applicable SIs committee shall approve all tech-nical documents including JTAs; BoKs; qualification/continuity cards and their Instructions for use; technicalprocedures that include grading of written examinations;practical demonstrations; checklists; psychometricprocess instructions; and test samples and grading units.1-3.2 Certification Body (CB)
The CB shall meet the following requirements:
(a) The CB shall have demonstrated experience inadministration of programs for certification of personnelbased on factors including training and examinations.
(b) The CB shall maintain a Quality Assurance (QA)program that meets the requirements of the latestedition of lso 90o0 or equivalent (e.g..ASME NQA-1,as applicable).
(c) The CB shall verify candidates’ qualification andcertify NDE and QC inspection personnel in accordancewith the requirements of this Standard.This includesthe Mandatory Appendices and maintaining the infra-structure for the certification program including develop-ment and maintenance of written examinations, testsamples, and organizations providing services, such asDTOs.
(d] The CB shall maintain a database of certified indiv-iduals that is accessible for verification of certifications byregulatory or enforcement authorities,Authorized Inspec-tion Agencies, owners, or employers, as applicable.e] The CB shall issue a certification form to those per-sonnel satisfying the requirements for NDE or QC certi-ficationin accordance with this Standard and shall issue anexamination record, which shall be maintained in a data-base.
f The CB shall mail or email to candidates thefollowing notifications within 30 days of their issuances:(1 ) acknowledgement of receipt of a candidate’sapplication
(2) results of written examinations and practicaldemonstrations
(3y certification forms [see (e)]
(4) notice of revoked certification
Examination results shall not be given over the tele-phone.
(g) The CB certifies by issuing a certification form thatthe individual has satisfied the requirements of this Stan-dard.However, the CB does not give authority or licensetothat individual to perform NDE or QC activities [seepara. 1-3.5(a)(3)].
(h) The CB shall develop and maintain written exam-inations and practical demonstrations based on thepsychometric process and other requirements of thisStandard, including (1).(2), and (3).
(1) The CB shall develop and maintain a secure ques-tion bank,and written examinations shall be preparedbased on the JTAs using a selection process thatensures no individual takes the same examinationmore than once.
(2) The CB or CB’s approved outside agencies shallmaintain a secure test sample bank containing a sufficientnumber of flawed samples to support the practicaldemon-strations.
(3y The CB shall ensure that the samples in the testsample bank shall be real or simulated with some flawsexceeding and others not exceeding the acceptance stan-dards of the applicable referencing code, standard, spec-ification, procedure, or instruction.
The CB shall develop criteria and monitor imple-mentation results to ensure program effectiveness forperformance improvement.
1-3.3 Examination Centers
(a) Examination centers are responsible for adminis-tering examinations in accordance with this Standard.(b) Examination centers shall establish a controlled en-vironment to ensure the integrity of the examinationprocess and the security of examination materials.(c) Examination centers shall be operated directly bythe CB or a CB-approved outside agency,e.g., a DTo.1-3.4 Instructor
An NDE or QC instructor (see para.1-4.5) shall have theskills and knowledge to plan,develop, organize, andprofessionally present classroom course materials anddemonstrations,and conduct laboratory exercises.Course materials (classroom, e-learning training, demon-strations, structured laboratory exercises, and on-the-jobtraining] presented shall be reviewed and approved by anNDEor QC Level lll in the methods or endorsements beingtaught.