ASME 3977-1:2000 pdf download

ASME 3977-1:2000 pdf download

ASME 3977-1:2000 pdf download GAS TURBINES:PROCUREMENT Part 1: General Introduction and Definitions
single-shaft gas turbine:gas turbine in which thecompressor and turbine rotors are mechanically coupledand the power output is taken either directly or throughgearing.
mulrishaft gas turbine:gas turbine combination includ-ing at least two turbines working on independent shafts.NOTE:The lerm includes cases referred to as compound and split-shaft gas turbines.
bled gas auurbine:gas turbinc which has.for externaluse,extraction of compressed air between compressorstages and/or at the discharge of the compressor.orextraction of hot gas at the inlet of the turbine and/or between turbine stages.
gas generator: assembly of gas turbine componentsthat produces heated pressurized gas to a process orto a power turbine.
NOTE: lt consists of one or more rotating compressoris!. thermaldevice(s) associated with the working fluid, and one or more compres-sor-driving turbine(s). a control system and essential auxiliary equipment. [ISO 1 1086]
compressor:that component of a gas turbinc whichincreases the pressure of the working fluid.
turbine:tenn which when used alone refers to theturbine action only. I is that component of the gas
turbine which produces power from expansion of theworking fluid.
power turbine: turbine having a separate shaft fromwhich output is derived.
combustion chamber (primary or reheat): heat sourcein which the fuel reacts to increase directly the tempera-ture of the working fluid.
working fluid (gas or air) heater: heat source inwhich the temperature of the working fluid is increasedindirectly.
regenerarorlrecuperator:different types of heat-ex-changer,transferring heat from the exhaust gas to theworking fluid before it enters the combustion chamber.
precooler: heat-exchanger or evaporative cooler whichreduces the tempcrature of the working fluid prior toits initial compression. [ISO 1 1086]
intercooler: heat-exchanger or evaporative cooler(spray intercooler) that reduces the temperature of theworking fluid between stages of compression. [ISo11086]
overspeed irip:control or trip element which immedi-ately activates the overspeed protection system whenthe rotor speed reaches a preset value.[ISO 11086]
control system:general system used to control, protect,monitor,and report the condition of the gas turbine inall of its modes of operation.
NOTE:This includes sarting control systems.govermor and fuelcontrol systerms.speed indicator(s). gauges.clectrical supply controlsand other controls necessary for the orderly startup,sable operatiom,shutdown.tripping andor shutdown for abnormal conditions.andstandby operatioa. [ISO 1 1086]
governing system:control elements and devices for thecontrol of critical parameters such as speed, temperature,pressure.power output. etc.
fuel governor valve: valve or any other device op-erating as a final fuel-metering element controlling thefuel input to the gas turbine.
NOTE: Other means of controlling the fuel flow to the turbine arepossible.
fuel stop valve:device which,when actuated,shutsoff all fuel flow to the cornbustion system.
dead band:total range through which an input canbe varied with no resulting measurable corrective actionof the fuel flow controller. In the case of speed,deadband is expressed in percent of rated speed.
governor droop:steady-state speed changes producedby the change of output from zero to the rated output,expressed as a percentage of the rated speed.
overtemperature detector:primary sensing elementthat is directly responsive to temperature and whichimmediately activates,through suitable amplifiers orconverters, the overtemperature protection system whenthe temperature reaches a preset value.[ISO 1 1086]
fuel specific energy (calorific value):gross specificenergy is the total heat released per unit mass of fuelburned,expressed in kilojoules per kilogram. The netspecific energy is the gross specific energy less theheat absorbed by the vaporized water formed duringcombustion. It is expressed in kilojoules per kilogram.
hear rate: ratio of the net fuel energy supplied perunit time to the net power produced in kilojoules perkilowatt hour [kJ/(kw-h)]. [iso 11086]