ASME A90.1:2015 pdf download

ASME A90.1:2015 pdf download

ASME A90.1:2015 pdf download Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts
4.1 Floor Openings
4.1.1 Allowable Size. New installations shall have minimum floor openings of 30 in. (760 mm) and maxi- mum floor openings of 38 in. (965 mm). Floor opening widths for both the up- and down-runs for existing installations shall be in accordance with Table 1 and Fig. 1. 2
4.1.2 Uniformity. All floor openings for a given manlift shall be uniform in size and shall be approxi- mately circular, and each shall be located vertically above the opening below it.
4.2 Riding Clearance (a) There shall be no encroachment ofany kind within the cylindrical space defined by the outer edges of the floor openings for the entire run of the manlift. (b) Should maintenance or construction work be planned for in close proximity to the manlift causing an encroachment on the space defined in para. 4.2(a), the manlift shall be shut down during such work.
4.3 Landings 4.3.1 Vertical Clearance. The clearance between the floor or mounting platform and the lower edge for the underfloor hood above it required by para.
4.4 shall be not less than 7 ft 6 in. (2 285 mm). Where this clearance cannot be obtained, no access to the manlift shall be provided, and the manlift runway shall be enclosed where it passes through such floor. The enclosure shall be equipped with an emergency exit.
4.3.2 Clear Landing Space. The landing space adja- cent to the floor openings shall be free from obstruction and kept clear at all times. The landing space shall be at least 2 ft (610 mm) in width from at least one edge (one, two, or three) of the floor opening used for mounting and dismounting (see Fig. 2, 3, or 4 for typical land- ing spaces).
4.3.3 Lighting of Landings. Adequate lighting, not less than 5 fc (54 lx), shall be provided at each floor landing at all times when the lift is in operation.
4.3.4 Landing Surface. The landing surface at the entrances and exits to the manlift shall be constructed and maintained to provide safe footing at all times.
4.3.5 Emergency Landings. Where there is a travel of 50 ft (15 m) or more between floor landings, one or more emergency landing(s) shall be provided so that there is a landing (either floor or emergency) for every 25 ft (7.5 m) or less of manlift travel.
(a) Emergency landings shall be accessible from both the up- and down-runs of the manlift and shall give access to the ladder as required in para. 4.8.
(b) Emergency landings shall be provided with stan- dard railings and toeboards.
(c) Platforms constructed to give access to bucket ele- vators or other equipment for the purpose of inspection, lubrication, and repair may also serve as emergency landings under this paragraph. All such platforms shall then be considered part of the emergency landing and provided with standard railings and toeboards.
4.4Hoods on Underside of Floor Openings
4.4.1Fixed Type. On the up-side of the manlift floor,openings shall be provided with an underfloor hoodmeeting the following requirements (see Fig. 5):
(ay Siope. The underfloor hood shall make an angleof not less than 45 deg with the horizontal.
(b) Extent. The lower edge of this hood shall extendat least 44 in. (1 118 mm) outvard from the face of thebelt. It shall not extend beyond the upper surface of thefloor above.
(c)Material and ConstrucHion. The hood shall be madeof not less than No.18 U.S. gage sheet steel or material
of equivalent strength or stiffness.The lower edge shallhave a minimum diameter of 1%in.(13 mm) and theinterior shall be smooth with no protruding rivets, bolts,
or screws.
4.4.2 Floating Type.Where the fixed hood specifiedin para.4.4.l is not used, a floating-type hood may beused; such floating hoods shall be mounted on hinges
a maximum of 6 in.(150 mm) below and parallel to theunderside of the floor, and so constructed as to actuatea safety switch that shuts off the manlift should a forceof 2 lb(9 N be applied on the edge of the hood closestto the hinge. The depth of this floating hood need not
exceed 12 in. (305 mm).
4.5 Protection of Entrances and Exits
4.5.1 Guardrail Requirement. The entrances andexits at all floor landings affording access to the manliftshall be guarded by a maze (staggered railing;) or hand-rail equipped with self-closing gates (see Figs. 2through 4).The guardrails should be located a minimum
of 2 ft (610 mmy from the edge of the floor opening onthose sides used as landings.
4.5.2construction.The rails shall be standardguardrails with toeboards meeting the provisions of
ANSI A12.1.On those sides not used as a landing. the
guardrails shall be extended to a minimum height of66 in. (1 675 mm) when less than 24 in.(610 mm) away
from the edge of the floor opening.In lieu of the66 in. (1 675 mm) high guardrail, a wall,wire mesh,
expanded metal,or solid panels may be used.This mini-
mum 66 in.(1 675 mm) high guardrail is intended toprevent personnel alongside the manlift from being able
to lean over the guardrails and into the floor openingarea.
4.5.3 Gates. Gates, if used, shall open outward andshall be self-closing. Corners of gates shall be rounded.4.5.4 Maze. Maze or staggered openings shall offerNO DIRECT PASSAGE betiveen enclosure and outerfloor space (see Fig. 4).
4.5.5 Entrance Position. Entrances at all landingsshall be in the same relative position.