ASME B30.10:2005 pdf download

ASME B30.10:2005 pdf download

ASME B30.10:2005 pdf download Hooks Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
(3) Wear. Any wear exceeding 10% (or as recom- mended by the manufacturer) of the original section dimension of the hook or its load pin.
(4) Inability to Lock. Any self-locking hook that does not lock.
(5) Inoperative Latch. Any latch that does not close the hook’s throat.
10-1.2.2 Testing
(a) When proof tests are used to verify manufacturing process, material, or configuration, the hooks shall be able to withstand the proof load application without permanent deformation when the load is applied for a minimum of 15 sec. This condition shall be considered to have been satisfied if the permanent increase in the throat opening does not exceed 1% or 0.02 in. (0.5 mm), whichever is greater. For such tests, Table 1 states the proof loads that shall be applied to a hook having arated load capacity.
(b)For a duplex (sister) hook having a pin hole, theproof load for the pin hole shall be in accordance withTable 1.The proof load on the hook shall be sharedequally between the two prongs of a sister hook, unlessdesigned for unbalanced loading-
(c)Performance testing of hooks shall not be requiredexcept where necessary to conform to the requirementsfor the equipment of which they are a part.
10-1.2.3 Maintenance
a) Any conditions disclosed by the inspections per-formed in accordance with the requirements of para.10- or 10- shall be corrected by repair orreplacement before continuing to use the hook.
Hooks shall be removed from service unless a quali-fied person approves their continued use and initiatescorrective action.
b) Hooks having damage or wear described as fol-lows shall be repaired or replaced:
(1) cracks, nicks, and gouges [see para.10-1.2.3(e)below]
(2) wear exceeding 10%(or as recommended by themanufacturer) of the original sectional dimension(3) any visibly apparent bend or twist from theplane of the unbent hook
(4) any distortion causing an increase in throatopening of 5%, not to exceed 1/4 in. (or as recommendedby the manufacturer)
(5 inability of self-locking hooks to lock
(c) A hook latch, when required, that is inoperativeshall be repaired or replaced.
(d) A hook with a latch that does not close the throatopening shall be removed from service or moused untilthe latch is replaced or repaired.
(e)Repair of cracks, nicks,and gouges shall be carriedout by a designated person by grinding longitudinally,following the contour of the hook, provided no dimen-sion is reduced more than 10%(or as recommended bythe manufacturer) of its original value.
(f) All other repairs shall be performed by the manu-facturer or a quaiified person.
rg)Replacement parts,such as load pins for clevishooks, shall be at least equal to the original manufactur-er’s specifications.