ASME B30-13:2003 pdf download

ASME B30-13:2003 pdf download

(5) Lonductors of the open type should not be used.However, if conductors of the open type are used, theyshall be so located or so guarded that the operator inthe cab and persons utilizing the means provided toenter or leave the cab, service platform, or aisle cannotcome into contact with the conductors or energized por-tions of the associated collectors.
(1) All exposed metal parts of S/R machines oraisle transfer cars, including any pendant controls, shallbe metallically joined together into a continuous electri-cal conductor so that the entire machine will begrounded on installation. Parts having metal to metalbearing surfaces shall be considered to be electricallyconnected to each other through the bearing surfacesfor grounding purposes.
(2) A carriage grounding conductor shall be used.The carriages shallnot be considered grounded by metalhoisting ropes or by metal chains, attached to or runningover sheaves, drums, or sprockets.
(hx)Insulated contact conductors may be used for sig-nals,controls,or power to the S/R machine carriage.Associated collectors shall be so located and guardedas to be out of reach of an operator performing assignedwork. All wiring on structure adjacent to the carriageshall be insulated for the maximum voltage to whichthe conductors are subjected.
() Where multiple conductor cable is used with asuspended pushbutton station, the station shall be sup-ported so that the electrical conductors are relieved fromstrain. Pendant control stations shall be constructed toprevent electrical shock. The pushbutton enclosure shallbe at ground potential, marked for identification of func-tions, and designed to minimize inadvertent operation.j) If the electrical system design permits conductorsfor operating control, power, signal, communication,and light circuits of 600 v or less to be run in the sametraveling cable or raceway system, all conductors shallbe insulated for the maximum voltage found in thecables or raceway system and all live parts of the equip-ment shall be insulated from the ground for this maxi-mum voltage.
13-1.9.2 Equipment
(a)Electrical equipment shall be so located orenclosed that live parts will not be exposed to accidentalcontact under normal operating conditions.
(b) Live parts of electrical equipment shall be pro-tected from direct exposure to grease, oil, and moisture,and should be protected from dirt.
(c) Guards for live parts, if provided, shall be con-structed or located in such a way that they cannot beinadvertently deformed as to make contact with thelive parts.
13-1.9.3 Power Disconnect
a) An aisle disconnecting means shall be providedbetiwveen the power supply and the aisle contact conduc-tor or traveling cable.Such disconnecting means shallconsist of a motor circuit switch or circuit breaker. Thisdisconnecting means shall be accessible and operable,arranged to be locked in the open position,and openall ungrounded power supply circuits simultaneously.(b) A disconnecting means for the power supply toan aisle transfer car shall be provided as described inpara.13-1.9.3(a).
(c) A disconnecting means for an S/ R machine or anaisle transfer car shall be provided in the leads fromcontact collector shoes or any other feeder to the S/Rmachine or aisle transfer car. This disconnecting meansshall be accessible, arranged to be locked in the openposition,and open all ungrounded power supply cir-cuits simultaneously.On an operator ridden machine oraisle transfer car, aseparate means to open the powersupply to all the drive motors shall be provided at theoperator’s station, wwhen the mainline disconnectingmeans cannot be placed within reach of the operator.13-1.9.4 Limit Sensors
(a)Limit sensors shall be provided,connected, andactuated to shut down any drive whose motion passesthe extremity of designed travel.
b) Limit sensors may be unsed on multispeed oradjustable speed drives to reduce speed before actuatingthe extreme travel sensor at the end of travel.
13-1.9.5 Control Voltages
The voltage at pendant controls,manual operators,or pushbutton stations shall not exceed 150 v AC or3o0 v DC.
13-1.9.6 Controls for Operator Ridden OperationUnless the operator ‘s cab is constructed in a way thatprevents the extension of arms and legs into a storageaisle while the machine is in motion, the operatingswitches shall be arranged so that both hands and bothfeet are required to be in specified positions in order topermit horizontal motion of the S/ R machine as a whole,or vertical motion of the occupied operator ridden car-riage. Where such motions are under automatic control,control sequences may proceed only when the switchesare all activated by the operator. If, during an automaticsequence, any of the above switches becomes nonacti-vated, all S/R machine drives shall stop.The controlsequence shall revert to a controlled start point status.Automatic operating sequences shall not be resumeduntil there has been a time delay after the reactivationof all switches so as to prevent a chattering type ofmotion which might cause structural damage or shiftloads.