ASME QEI-1:2004 pdf download

ASME QEI-1:2004 pdf download

ASME QEI-1:2004 pdf download Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors
4.1 Scope
This Section covers the provisions under which ASMEwill accredit an organization to certify that inspectorsand/ or inspection supervisors meet and maintain theapplicable requirements of this Standard.
Organizations meeting these provisions will be issueda Certificate of Accreditation.
4.2Requirements for Obtaining a Certificate of
Organizations shall have a certification program thatincludes all those planned and systematic actions neces-sary to provide confidence that the requirements of thisStandard will be complied with. This program shall bedocumented in a certification manual, which shall bethe basis for demonstration of compliance. The docu-mentation shall include a completed QEI programchecklist. The certification program shall include thefollowing elements.
4.2.1 Authority,Responsibility,and Personnel.Theauthority and responsibility of those in charge of thecertification program shall be clearly established anddocumented. They shall have the organizational free-dom and administrative and technical expertise neces-sary to implement the program.
Personnel records shall be maintained for all personswith a direct involvement in the program and shallinclude the education, training, and experience of eachperson.
4.2.2 Methods of Evaluation of Qualification.The cer-tification program shall clearly delineate the method ofevaluating whether applicants meet the qualificationsof inspectors (Part 2) and / or inspection supervisors(Part 3).
The method of evaluation may include written exami-nations, oral examinations, verification of employment,verification of attendance or successful completion ateducational institutions, or other methods, providedthat they assure compliance with para.2.1 for inspectorsor para.3.1 for inspection supervisors.
Means shall be provided to assure that certifiedinspectors meet the maintenance of qualification provi-sions of para. 2.3 and that certified inspection supervi-sors meet the maintenance of qualification requirementsof para.3.3.The certification program shall include pro-visions to detail how a meeting, seminar, or educationprogram can be accepted as meeting the criteria for maintenance of certification.A list of currently approvedmeetings, seminars, and education programs shall alsobe maintained on file. The information shall be madeknown to all certified inspectors and inspection super-visors.
4.2.3 Document ControL. Means shall be provided tocontrol the issuance, revision, and disposition of all doc-uments, including examinations,and to prevent accessi-bility to unauthorized persons. Examinations shall notbe accessible to any persons except those directlyinvolved in their development.
4.2.4 Control of Subcontracted Services. The certi-fying organization may subcontract services to otherorganizations, provided that they ascertain the capabil-ity of the subcontractor to meet the applicable provisionsof this Standard. The certifying organization shall moni-tor the activities of the subcontractor to assure continuedcompliance.
The certifying organization retains the ultimateresponsibility for the subcontractor ‘s activities necessaryto assure compliance with this Standard.
4.2.5 Control of Certification Documentation. Accred-ited certifying organizations shall issue certificationcards or other documentation to persons who are certi-fied under the accredited program, indicating that theyhave met the requirements of this Standard. It shailinclude the following information (see also AppendixC):;
a) certified person’s name
(b) a photograph of the certified person
(c) scope of the certification (inspector or inspectionsupervisor)
(d) effective date and expiration date
(e) name of the accredited certifying organization(f) the QEI logo
The accredited certifying organization shall assurecontrol of the distribution of certification cards and otherdocumentation by sequential numbering at the time ofprinting. or by other equivalent means.
Accredited certifying organizations shall maintain acurrent list, including addresses, of all certified persons.This list shall be made available to the public.
Means shall be provided to assure that the documenta-tion to persons who have not maintained their qualifica-tions is revoked or not renewed.