ASME QMO-1:2000 pdf download

ASME QMO-1:2000 pdf download

1.1 Scope
This Standard covers the qualification and certificationof operators of hospital,medical,and infectious wasteincinerators (HMIWD.
1.2 Purpose
This Standard provides requirements to be used incertifying operators of HMIWi facilities.These require-ments recognize the knowledge, training, and experiencein the physical operation of a facility needed to complywith the facility’s operating permits,occupational safetyrequirements,and related environmental criteria. ThisStandard provides an acceptable means to qualify opera-tors of medical waste incinerators as required by40CFR60subparts Ce and Ec.
This Standard does not cover the certification orvalidation of facility operating procedures,operatingpractices,facility performance,nor compliance withpermit requirements.
1.3 Definitions
air pollution control system:air pollution control de-vices (APCD)and equipment incorporated into theexhaust gas stream of an incinerator to reduce emissionsto the atmosphere of solid or gaseous air pollutants.burn cycle:as used in para.2.2.1 of this Standard,a period containing a minimum of one of each of thefoilowing medical waste incineration systems compo-nents: unit preheat,initiation of waste charging,wastedestruction,ash burn down (if applicable), unit shut-down,and ash removal. Unit shutdown does not neces-sarily require that the incinerator be cooled to ambienttemperature. If appropriate,the burn cycle shall alsoinclude operation of waste heat recovery systems andair pollution control systems.
facility:the immediate area of the medical wasteincinerator system,including all waste storage equip-ment,handling equipment,treatment equipment,and all structures and improvements that are directly relatedto the treatment of medical waste.
medical waste [as defined in 40CFR60.51(c]:gener-ally includes any waste,including solid, semi-solid,orliquid material,generated in the diagnosis,treatment,or immunization of human beings or animals,in researchpertaining thereto,or in the production or testing ofbiologicals.This includes both regulated and non-regu-lated waste materials. Excluded from this definition isany solid waste regulated as a hazardous waste by thefederal government under the Resource Conservationand Recovery Act.
medical waste incinerator:any hospital,medical,orinfectious waste incinerator system [as defined in40CFR60.51(c)]including all equipment related to themedical waste incineration process,such as the feederto the incinerator, the incinerator itself, the gas cleaningequipment,the residue management equipment,controland monitoring equipment,and any boiler or heatexchanger equipment that utilizes waste heat form theincinerator.
waste heat recovery system:any equipment,such asboilers or heat exchangers, incorporated into an incinera-tion system to transfer heat from the incinerator exhaustgas to another medium for useful purposes.
This paragraph establishes the duties of the operatorfor thepurpose of identifying facility personnel towhom this Standard applies at HMrwi facilities.
2.1.1 The Operator class designation is as follows:(a) An operator is certified to operate a medicalwaste incinerator with a waste heat recovery and airpollution control system.
(b) A medical waste incinerator system may haveany combination of waste heat recovery and air pollutioncontrol systems.
(c)The operator is in direct charge and control ofthe operation of a medical waste incineration system
and is responsible for the start up,operation,and shutdown of the equipment. Typical responsibilities may
include,but are not limited to the following:
() operating all mechanical equipment, instrumen-tation and power controls;
(2) operating in accordance with established prac-tices and procedures;
(3)operating equipment consistent with applicablefederal,state,and local government requirements;
(4) identifying and directing action to correctequipment upsets and emergency conditions;
(5) identifying and communicating the need forequipment repairs and maintenance;
(6)operating in a safe manner;
(7) communicating the operational status of thefacility when a relieving operator is placed in directcharge and control of the operation;
(8) recording operational data as required;
(9) supervising,training,monitoring, and evaluat-ing other operators;and
( 10) assuring non-compliance incidents and correc-tive action items are reported to management or regula-tory agencies.
2.1.2 The Special Class Operator is certified to directthe operation of a medical waste incinerator duringstart-up, maintenance, upgrade, or inspection. This classof operator does not allow for regular or routine opera-tion of the incinerator. It is intended for field andservice personnel,educators,and others who operateonly on occasion. The Special Class Operatorshallonly direct the operation of the medical waste incineratoras follows:
a) in the presence and under the supervision of acertified operator; and
(b) during the start-up, maintenance,upgrade,orinspection process of the medical waste incinerator.
2.2 Qualifications
2.2.1 Operator. The following are the qualificationsthat shall be met by an operator of a medical wasteincinerator to complete certification under this Standard:(a)Normal Method
( 1 ) Minimum age of 18(2)Training —24 hours
(3) Six months of experience at a HMIW1 asoperator or supervisor