ASME A90.1:2003 pdf download

ASME A90.1:2003 pdf download

rated speed: the speed of the belt at which the manlift isdesigned to run (refer to para.5.4).
safety stop device: any electrical or electromechanicaldevice (such as a limit switch, photoelectric eye, or prox-imity probe) that shall cause the electric power to beremoved from the driving machine motor and brake,stopping the manlift.
severe belt damage: the protective outer cover of a belt thatbecomes cut, cracked, or separated, exposing damagedinner fabric, and such damage that extends across thefull width of the belt or spans between adjacent boltholes. A torn belt is also considered severe.
split-rail safety stop: an electric limit switch operatedmechanically by the rollers on the manlift steps.
step (platform): a passenger carrying unit.
superficial belt cover damage: the protective outer coverof a belt that becomes scratched, cut, or cracked,exposing the inner fabric. Such damage is not continuousacross the full width of the belt.
torn: a severence of any length or width that goesthrough the entire thickness of the belt.
4.1.1 Allowable Size.New installations shall haveminimum floor openings of 30 in.(760 mm) and maxi-mum floor openings of 36 in. (915 mm). Floor openingwidths for both the up- and down-runs for existinginstallations shall be in accordance with Table 1 andFig.1.
4.1.2 Uniformity.All floor openings for a given man-lift shall be uniform in size and shail be approximatelycircular, and each shall be located vertically above theopening below it.
4.2 Riding Clearance
(a)There shall be no encroachment of any kind withinthe cylindrical space defined by the outer edges of the floor openings for the entire run of the manlift.
(b) Should maintenance or construction work beplanned for in close proximity to the manlift causing anencroachment on the space defined in para.4.2(a), themanlift shall be shut down during such work.
4.3 Landings
4.3.1 Vertical Clearance.The clearance between thefloor or mounting platform and the lower edge for theunderfloor hood above it required by para.4.4 shall benot less than 7 ft 6 in. (2 285 mm). Where this clearancecannot be obtained,no access to the manlift shall beprovided, and the manlift runway shall be enclosedwhere it passes through such floor. The enclosure shallbe equipped with an emergency exit.
4.3.2 Clear Landing Space. The landing space adja-cent to the floor openings shall be free from obstructionand kept clear at all times.The landing space shall beat least 2 ft (610 mm) in width from the edge of the flooropening used for mounting and dismounting (see Figs.2 and 3).
4.3.3 Lighting of landings. Adequate lighting, notless than 5 fc (54 lx), shall be provided at each floorlanding at all times when the lift is in operation.
4.3.4 Landing Surface. The landing surface at theentrances and exits to the manlift shall be constructedand maintained to provide safe footing at all times.4.3.5 Emergency Landings. where there is a travel of50 ft (15 m) or more between floor landings, one or moreemergency landing(s) shall be provided so that there isa landing (either floor or emergency) for every 25 ft(7.5m) or less of manlift travel.
(a)Emergency landings shall be accessible from boththe up- and down-runs of the manlift and shall giveaccess to the ladder as required in para.4.8.
(b) Emergency landings shall be provided with stan-dard railings and toeboards.
(c)Platforms constructed to give access to bucket ele-vators or other equipment for the purpose of inspection,lubrication, and repair may also serve as emergencylandings under this paragraph. All such platforms shallthen be considered part of the emergency landing andprovided with standard railings and toeboards.
4.4Hoods on Underside of Floor openings
4.4.1 Fixed Type. On the up-side of the manlift floor,openings shall be provided with an underfloor hoodmeeting the following requirements (see Fig. 4).
(a)Slope. The underfloor hood shall make an angleof not less than 45 deg with the horizontal.
b) Extent. The lower edge of this hood shall extendat least 44 in. (1 118 mm) outward from the face of thebelt. It shall not extend beyond the upper surface of thefloor above.