ASME B18.8.100M:2000 pdf download

ASME B18.8.100M:2000 pdf download

GENERAL1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This Standard covers the complete dimensionsand mechanical and performance requirements for Met-ric series slotted spring pins recognized as AmericanNational Standard,which are widely used in generalindustrial applications.Slotted spring pins have straightcylindrical sides with both ends chamfered and areformed with a single wall and a slot to accommodateradiai compression. Also included is an Appendix pro-viding supplementary information for thetesting ofpins in double shear.
1.1.2 This Standard defines 1.5-12 mm nominaldiameter pins.The 1.5-3 mm diameter pins are definedas Type A. which may interlock in the free state anduse the standard IsOinstallation hole requirements,and Type B.which do not interlock in the free statebut require a restricted installation hole tolerance.
1.2 Comparison with Iso 8752
ISo 8752 defines a metric series of pins whichdiffers from this Standard in the following details:(a) ISO 8752 covers nominal pin diameters 1-50mm and this Standard covers pin diameters 1.5-12 mm.(b)ISO 8752 has larger free diamcter,so that a fitwith greater interference can result. These ASME pinsare designed with interference comparable to the inchseries ASME B18.8.2 slotted spring pins. Type A pinsand 3 mm and larger Type B pins are designed toutilize the standard Iso hole sizes.
(c) The installation hole size requirements arc thesame in both standards for the 3 mm and larger Typcpins and the Type A 3 mm and smaller sizes.The3 mm and smaller sizes have two standard typescorresponding to the two Iso types and only the Type pins use the common lSO installation hole diameters.The smaller Type B pins need restricted hole tolerance.(d) ISo 8752 has a greater hardness range for thecarbon or silicon manganese steel (420-560 HV). The ASME hardness range is less,with a minimum of458 HV.
(e)This Standard includes austenitic and martensiticstainless steels and beryllium copper materials in addi-tion to the carbon steels included in Iso 8752
The carbon steel double shear strength ofBI8.8.4M is 20-25% higher than the ISo 8752 mini-mum requirement. The Type A carbon steel pins havedouble shear strength equal to lso 8752.
(g)The ISO 8752 end chamfers are defined byangles with more restrictive length limitations than theASME ends. The maximum break lengths in this Stan-dard may exceed the ISo by as much as 0.35 mm.(h)The Iso 8752 and ASME standard length toler-ances are stepped at different nominal lengths and varyin magnitude. The maximum difference either way is0.15 mm.
i)The ISO 8752 and ASME standard lcngth incre-ments are the same but ISo 8752 lists lengths longcrthan the ASME 100 mm longest,up to a 200 mmmaximum.
)ISO 8752 has two types of pins: Type A,withno restrictions on slots,and TypeB, which requiresnoninterlocking slots.ASME Type B must be noninter-locking, but 3 mm and smaller sizes are also offcredin Type A,which may interlock.
1.3 Dimensions
All dimensions in this Standard are in given millime-ters (mm) and apply hefore plating unless otherwisespecified. Tables i and 2 define the dimensions forsiotted spring pins.
1.4 Responsibility
The responsible parly for the . performance of theproducts within the scope of this Standard is theorganization that supplies the components to the pur-chascr and certifies or represents that the componentwas manufactured,tested,and inspected in accordancewith this specification and mcets ail of its requirements.