ASME SEC IX INDEX:2004 pdf download

ASME SEC IX INDEX:2004 pdf download

The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee and itsSubcommittees,Subgroups,andWorkingGroupsmeet regularly to consider revisions of the Code rules, new Code rules as dictated by technological development, Code Cases, and Code interpretations.
This Appendix provides guidance to Code users for submitting technical inquiries to the Committee. Technical inquiries include requests for revisions or additions to the Code rules, requestsforCodeCases,andrequestsforCodeinterpreta- tions. Code Cases may be issued by the Committee when the need is urgent. Code Cases clarify the intent of existingCoderequirementsorprovidealternativerequire- ments.
Code Cases are written as a question and a reply and are usually intended to be incorporated into the Code at a later date. Code interpretations provide the meaning of or the intent of existing rules in the Code and are also presented as a question and a reply. Both Code Cases and Codeinterpretations arepublished by the Committee.
The Code rules, Code Cases, and Code interpretations established by the Committee are not to be considered asapproving,recommending,certifying,orendorsingany proprietary or specic design or as limiting in any way the freedom of manufacturers or constructors to choose any method of design or any form of construction that conforms to the Code rules.
As an alternative to the requirements of this Appendix, members of the Committee and its Subcommittees, Sub- groups, and Working Groups may introduce requests for Code revisions or additions, Code Cases, and Code interpretations at their respective Committee meetings or may submit such requests to the secretary of a Subcommittee, Subgroup, or Working Group. Inquiries that do not comply with the provisions of this Appendixor thatdonotprovidesufcientinformationfor the Committee’s full understanding may result in the request being returned to the inquirer with no action.
Submittals to the Committee shall include:
(a) Scope. Specify one of the following:
(1) revision of present Code rule(s)
(2) new or additional Code rule(s)
(3) Code Case
(4) Code interpretation
b) Background. Provide the information needed for the Committee’s understanding of the inquiry, being sure to include reference to the applicable Code Section, Divi- sion, Edition, Addenda, paragraphs, gures, and tables. Preferably, provide a copy of the specic referenced por- tions of the Code.
(c) Presentations. The inquirer may desire or be asked to attend a meeting of the Committee to make a formal presentation or to answer questions from the Committee members with regard to the inquiry. Atten- dance at a Committee meeting shall be at the expense of the inquirer. The inquirer’s attendance or lack of atten- dance at a meeting shall not be a basis for acceptance or rejection of the inquiry by the Commitee.