ISO ASME 14414:2015 pdf download

ISO ASME 14414:2015 pdf download

ISO ASME 14414:2015 pdf download Pump system energy assessment
Demand variations as a function of time shall be established so that the appropriate measurements canbe made.
5.6.2 Measurement of pump and motor operating data
The primary required data to be measured shall be head, flow, power, and operating time.
lfthe operating conditions ofthe pumping system are constant or only vary minimally in time, a snapshotof the operating conditions may be enough to assess the system.
lf the system demand varies over time, the assessment team shall determine if the system needs to bemonitored overtime and what time periodisreasonable to get a representation ofall operating conditions.Operating data may also be used if readily available in the facility process control or database ofhistorical operating conditions.
Uncertainty on measurementsand uncertainty on final results should be estimatedduringthe evaluationof the assessment.
5.6.3 Pressure
Pressure measurements should be made using calibrated instruments with the ideal measurementlocation being approximate 2 diameters of straight pipe, from inlet/outlet flanges if available.
To measure pump efficiency, pressure measurements should be made close to the pump on both thesuction and the discharge side.
When measuring pump performance it is recommended that head losses between the suction anddischarge head measurement points and the pump be estimated.
For accurate calculation of the pump total head, the velocity and the instrument elevation shall be takeninto account.
5.6.4 Flow
The system flow rate shall be determined to establish pump and system efficiencies.Flow rates shall bemeasured using properly sized instruments, whether it be for an individual pump or total system flow.Measurements shall be made with calibrated flow meters that are properly installed into the systemand known to be accurate across the range of measured conditions.The flow meter should be installedaccording to the manufacturer’s recommendations. When it is necessary to use portable flow meters,verification of the measurements should be performed by re-installing the flow meter in an alternatelocation orusing multiple measurement techniques.lflarge variations are found,then the measurementsshall be considered unreliable.
lf the flow rate is determined from the pressure drop across a component with known characteristicsor by using data from the pump manufacturer’s performance curve, the data should be cross-correlatedwith both pressure and power measurements or by using multiple measurement techniques if there isdoubt about the accuracy of the measurements.
5.6.5Input power
whenever possible, the input power should be measured directly using a power meter, which should givethe most accurate results. When it is not possible to measure power directly, an acceptable alternativeshall be to measure voltage and current delivered to the motor.Then using the estimated power factor,the motor input power shall be calculated. If a power drive system is used, the input power shall bemeasured before the variable frequency drive.
Electrical measurements shall be performed only by a qualified person.
5.7Cross validation
When the needed parameter is not directly measurable, it may be estimated through measures of otherparameters, such as:
-pump head combined with pump head curve to estimate flow rate;
electric power combined with motor performance curve (or estimates) to estimate shaft power, andthen use the shaft power and pump shaft power curve to estimate flow rate;
measured valve position and flow rate combined with the valve characteristic curve to estimatedifferential pressure;,
measured drawdown and fill times, along with well or sump dimensional data to estimate pumpflow rate.
Such estimation methods may be used for preliminary quantification of potential energy savingsopportunities and to help determine whether the magnitude of savings is sufficient to warrant furtherinvestigation.
NOTE lt is beyond the scope of this International Standard to detail the various cross-validation techniques,but they are vital tools in the assessment and solution development process.
5.8 Wrap-up meeting and presentation of initial findings and recommendations
The presentation of findings and preliminary recommendations shall be conducted as final step inconducting the assessment. This wrap-up meeting should be attended by the entire assessment team.During this meeting,outstanding questions and issues from the assessmentteam should be addressed.Thetentative results of the assessment shall be formally presented and should include but not be limited to:- review of the assessment process used;
– efficiency of the system(s) and components assessed;
– tentative recommended improvements, with preliminary energy and cost savings, if available;- discussion of any further analysis recommended, and;
-any general comments and observations.
The results presented shall be qualified as preliminary, subjectto further analysis and refinement.Targetdates for thedelivery of a draft and final versions of the written report shall be set by mutual agreement.For more information, see Annex B.